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Clusterin precursor (Aging-associated gene 4 protein) (Apolipoprotein J) (Apo-J) (Complement cytolysis inhibitor) (CLI) (Complement-associated protein SP-40,40) (Ku70-binding protein 1) (NA1/NA2) (Sulfated glycoprotein 2) (SGP-2) (Testosterone-repressed prostate message 2) (TRPM-2) [Contains: Clusterin beta chain (ApoJalpha) (Complement cytolysis inhibitor a chain); Clusterin alpha chain (ApoJbeta) (Complement cytolysis inhibitor b chain)] [APOJ] [CLI] [KUB1] [AAG4]


Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Alzheimer's Disease Risk Genes Are Associated with Intrinsic Connectivity in Middle Age.

Expression of Clusterin suppresses Cr(VI)-induced premature senescence through activation of PI3K/AKT pathway.

Informative combination of CLU rs11136000, serum HDL levels, diabetes, and age as a new piece of puzzle-picture of predictive medicine for cognitive disorders.

Integrative transcriptome analyses of the aging brain implicate altered splicing in Alzheimer's disease susceptibility.

DNA methylation analysis on purified neurons and glia dissects age and Alzheimer's disease-specific changes in the human cortex.

Recent studies on cellular and molecular mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease: focus on epigenetic factors and histone deacetylase.

Role of CLU, PICALM, and TNK1 Genotypes in Aging With and Without Alzheimer's Disease.

Late Onset Alzheimer's Disease Risk Variants in Cognitive Decline: The PATH Through Life Study.

Association and interaction effects of Alzheimer's disease-associated genes and lifestyle on cognitive aging in older adults in a Taiwanese population.

An Alzheimer's Disease Genetic Risk Score Predicts Longitudinal Thinning of Hippocampal Complex Subregions in Healthy Older Adults.

Genetically-mediated Grey and White Matter Alteration in Normal Elderly Individuals with the CLU-C Allele Gene.

Hippocampal proteomics defines pathways associated with memory decline and resilience in normal aging and Alzheimer's disease mouse models.

Risk-reducing Apolipoprotein E and Clusterin genotypes protect against the consequences of poor vascular health on executive function performance and change in nondemented older adults.

Impact of PICALM and CLU on hippocampal degeneration.

Gene-based aggregate SNP associations between candidate AD genes and cognitive decline.

Apolipoprotein E and Clusterin can magnify effects of personality vulnerability on declarative memory performance in non-demented older adults.

Combined effects of Alzheimer risk variants in the CLU and ApoE genes on ventricular expansion patterns in the elderly.

The benefits of staying active in old age: physical activity counteracts the negative influence of PICALM, BIN1, and CLU risk alleles on episodic memory functioning.

Age-dependent effect of Alzheimer's risk variant of CLU on EEG alpha rhythm in non-demented adults.

CLU genetic variants and cognitive decline among elderly and oldest old.

The molecular chaperone apolipoprotein J/clusterin as a sensor of oxidative stress: implications in therapeutic approaches - a mini-review.