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Myc box-dependent-interacting protein 1 (Amphiphysin II) (Amphiphysin-like protein) (Box-dependent myc-interacting protein 1) (Bridging integrator 1) [AMPHL]


Amphiphysin 2 modulation rescues myotubular myopathy and prevents focal adhesion defects in mice.

Recent studies on cellular and molecular mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease: focus on epigenetic factors and histone deacetylase.

Association and interaction effects of Alzheimer's disease-associated genes and lifestyle on cognitive aging in older adults in a Taiwanese population.

Dopamine Receptor Genes Modulate Associative Memory in Old Age.

Gene-based aggregate SNP associations between candidate AD genes and cognitive decline.

Association of Alzheimer's disease GWAS loci with MRI markers of brain aging.

The benefits of staying active in old age: physical activity counteracts the negative influence of PICALM, BIN1, and CLU risk alleles on episodic memory functioning.

BIN1 is decreased in sporadic but not familial Alzheimer's disease or in aging.

Genetic variants influencing human aging from late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD) genome-wide association studies (GWAS).