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D(2) dopamine receptor (Dopamine D2 receptor)


Cortical thickness mediates the relationship between DRD2 C957T polymorphism and executive function across the adult lifespan.

Impact of dopamine-related genetic variants on physical activity in old age - a cohort study.

The relationship of age and DRD2 polymorphisms to frontostriatal brain activity and working memory performance.

Dopamine-Related Genotypes and Physical Activity Change During an Intervention: The Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders Study.

Influence of the DRD2/ANKK1 Taq1A polymorphism on caudate volume in older adults without dementia.

FTO affects food cravings and interacts with age to influence age-related decline in food cravings.

The DRD2 Taq1A A1 Allele May Magnify the Risk of Alzheimer's in Aging African-Americans.

Age-dependent role of pre- and perinatal factors in interaction with genes on ADHD symptoms across adolescence.

Dopamine Receptor Genes Modulate Associative Memory in Old Age.

Polymorphisms Falling Within Putative miRNA Target Sites in the 3'UTR Region of SIRT2 and DRD2 Genes Are Correlated With Human Longevity.

Influences of a DRD2 polymorphism on updating of long-term memory representations and caudate BOLD activity: magnification in aging.

Maternal deprivation enhances behavioral vulnerability to stress associated with miR-504 expression in nucleus accumbens of rats.

Polymorphic variants of neurotransmitter receptor genes may affect sexual function in aging males: data from the HALS study.

The genetic impact (C957T-DRD2) on inhibitory control is magnified by aging.