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D(4) dopamine receptor (D(2C) dopamine receptor) (Dopamine D4 receptor)


ADHD risk genes involved in dopamine signaling and metabolism are associated with reduced estimated life expectancy at young adult follow-up in hyperactive and control children.

Age-dependent role of pre- and perinatal factors in interaction with genes on ADHD symptoms across adolescence.

Association between dopamine D4 receptor polymorphism and age related changes in brain glucose metabolism.

Polymorphic variants of neurotransmitter receptor genes may affect sexual function in aging males: data from the HALS study.

DRD4 genotype predicts longevity in mouse and human.

Genetic factors of reaction time performance: DRD4 7-repeat allele associated with slower responses.

The integrate model of emotion, thinking and self regulation: an application to the "paradox of aging".

Gene-lifecourse interaction for alcohol consumption in adolescence and young adulthood: five monoamine genes.

Association between ADHD and smoking in adolescence: shared genetic, environmental and psychopathological factors.

Genetic influences on quantity of alcohol consumed by adolescents and young adults.