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B-lymphocyte antigen CD19 precursor (B-lymphocyte surface antigen B4) (Differentiation antigen CD19) (T-cell surface antigen Leu-12) (CD19 antigen)


The association between poverty and gene expression within peripheral blood mononuclear cells in a diverse Baltimore City cohort.

COVID-19: age, Interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, and lymphocytes as key clues from a multicentre retrospective study.

A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Impact of Bovine Milk Containing Different Beta-Casein Profiles on Gut Health of Ageing Mice.

Sequential treatment with aT19 cells generates memory CAR-T cells and prolongs the lifespan of Raji-B-NDG mice.

Stress-Induced Premature Senescence Promotes Proliferation by Activating the [i]SENEX[/i] and p16 /Retinoblastoma (Rb) Pathway in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma

Effects of pepsin and pepstatin on reflux tonsil hypertrophy in vitro.

Innate and adaptive immune dysregulation in critically ill ICU patients.

Vitamin D levels correlate with lymphocyte subsets in elderly patients with age-related diseases.

Normal variation of bone marrow B-cell precursors according to age - reference ranges for studies in myelodysplastic syndromes in Brazil.

Altered marginal zone and innate-like B cells in aged senescence-accelerated SAMP8 mice with defective IgG1 responses.

Different therapeutic effects of cells derived from human amniotic membrane on premature ovarian aging depend on distinct cellular biological characteristics.

Immune biomarkers in older adults: Role of physical activity.

A lifetime aging study of human CD19 transgenic mice.

Age-related arterial immune cell infiltration in mice is attenuated by caloric restriction or voluntary exercise.

Alterations in B-cell subsets in pediatric patients with early atopic dermatitis.

Perturbed hematopoiesis in mice lacking ATMIN.

Effects of Ageing on the Immune System: Infants to Elderly.

Exome sequencing analysis reveals variants in primary immunodeficiency genes in patients with very early onset inflammatory bowel disease.

[Effects of soluble egg antigen and adult worm antigen of Schistosoma japonicum on differentiation of effector B cells of mice].

Comparison between the AA/EPA ratio in depressed and non depressed elderly females: omega-3 fatty acid supplementation correlates with improved symptoms but does not change immunological parameters.

CD40, CD45 CTLA-4 levels are elevated in healthy older adults.

Differential expression of Toll-like receptor 2 and 4 on peritoneal leukocyte populations from long-lived and non-selected old female mice.

Striking decrease in the total precursor B-cell compartment during early childhood as evidenced by flow cytometry and gene expression changes.

Age-dependent and cell-population-restricted LRRK2 expression in normal mouse spleen.

Immunophenotypic analysis of bone marrow B lymphocyte precursors (hématogones) by flow cytometry.

Expression of CD27 and CD23 on peripheral blood B lymphocytes in humans of different ages.

Increase of gingival matured dendritic cells number in elderly patients with chronic periodontitis.

Effect of acute exercise on endothelial progenitor cells in patients with peripheral arterial disease.

Flow cytometric measurement of circulating endothelial cells: the effect of age and peripheral arterial disease on baseline levels of mature and progenitor populations.

Total and subset lymphocyte counts, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, and dialysis duration in younger and older peritoneal dialysis patients.

Lymphocyte subsets in healthy children from birth through 18 years of age: the Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group P1009 study.

Differences in circulating dendritic cell subtypes in cord blood and peripheral blood of healthy and allergic children.

Survival in a population sample is predicted by proportions of lymphocyte subsets.

Analysis of stem cell apheresis products using intermediate-dose filgrastim plus large volume apheresis for allogeneic transplantation.

Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) levels finally become stable with increasing age as revealed by using an ELISA corresponding to the bioactivity.

Lymphocyte subsets in human tonsils: the effect of age and infection.

Aging and lymphocyte subpopulations: whole-blood analysis of immune markers in a large population sample of healthy elderly individuals.

Effects of trace element and/or vitamin supplementation on vitamin and mineral status, free radical metabolism and immunological markers in elderly long term-hospitalized subjects. Geriatric Network MIN. VIT. AOX.

The antigen receptor complex on cord B lymphocytes.

Morphologically and functionally intact dendritic cells can be derived from the peripheral blood of aged individuals.

Lymphocyte subset reference ranges in Romanian adult Caucasians.

Asynaptic expression of the adult nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in long-term cultures of mammalian myotubes.

Reference ranges for lymphocyte subsets in pediatric patients.

Immune parameters in a longitudinal study of a very old population of Swedish people: a comparison between survivors and nonsurvivors.

Subpopulations of T and B cells in perinatally HIV-infected and noninfected age-matched children compared with those in adults.

Tissue-specific expression of the human CD19 gene in transgenic mice inhibits antigen-independent B-lymphocyte development.

T cell receptor gene rearrangements in B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia correlate with age and the stage of B cell differentiation.

B-cell differentiation following autologous, conventional, or T-cell depleted bone marrow transplantation: a recapitulation of normal B-cell ontogeny.