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T-cell surface antigen CD2 precursor (Erythrocyte receptor) (LFA-2) (LFA-3 receptor) (Rosette receptor) (T-cell surface antigen T11/Leu-5) (CD2 antigen) [SRBC]


Adaptive NKG2C CD57 Natural Killer Cell and Tim-3 Expression During Viral Infections.

Genome-Wide Association Analysis of the Sense of Smell in U.S. Older Adults: Identification of Novel Risk Loci in African-Americans and European-Americans.

Tumor-host signaling interaction reveals a systemic, age-dependent splenic immune influence on tumor development.

Neuroimmune and Neuropathic Responses of Spinal Cord and Dorsal Root Ganglia in Middle Age.

Comparison between the AA/EPA ratio in depressed and non depressed elderly females: omega-3 fatty acid supplementation correlates with improved symptoms but does not change immunological parameters.

Variation of human natural killer cell phenotypes with age: identification of a unique KLRG1-negative subset.

Immunophenotypical characterization in Andalusian horse: variations with age and gender.

Cooperation of Gata3, c-Myc and Notch in malignant transformation of double positive thymocytes.

IL-2 induces and altered CD4/CD8 ratio of splenic T lymphocytes from transgenic mice overexpressing the glucocorticoid-induced protein GILZ.

The endometrium of the anoestrous female pig: studies on infiltration by cells of the immune system.

Deranged early T cell development in immunodeficient strains of nonobese diabetic mice.

Inhibition of Fas-mediated apoptotic cell death of murine T lymphocytes in a mouse model of immunosenescence in linkage to deterioration in cell membrane raft function.

An atypical population of NK cells that spontaneously secrete IFN-gamma and IL-4 is present in the intraepithelial lymphoid compartment of the rat.

Immunophenotypical changes of T lymphocytes in the elderly.

[Changes in the capacity of T-lymphocytes for spontaneous recovery of selected differentiation antigens in relation to age].

Expression of CD2 on porcine B lymphocytes.

An immunohistochemical study of bovine palatine and pharyngeal tonsils at 21, 60 and 300 days of age.

Age-related changes of neuro-endocrine-immune interactions in healthy humans.

Indirect demonstration of the lifetime function of human thymus.

Clinical features associated with correction of T-cell senescence: increased acute-phase response, amyloidosis and arthritis.

Effects of trace element and/or vitamin supplementation on vitamin and mineral status, free radical metabolism and immunological markers in elderly long term-hospitalized subjects. Geriatric Network MIN. VIT. AOX.

Expression of growth hormone receptor by peripheral blood lymphocytes in children: evaluation in clinical conditions of impaired growth.

Increased acute-phase response and renal amyloidosis in aged CD2-fas-transgenic mice.

Cord blood CD4 CD45RA T cells achieve a lower magnitude of activation when compared with their adult counterparts.

Age-associated thymic atrophy in the mouse is due to a deficiency affecting rearrangement of the TCR during intrathymic T cell development.

T-cell subsets in blood and lymphoid tissues obtained from fetal calves, maturing calves, and adult bovine.

Expansion of cytotoxic CD8 CD28- T cells in healthy ageing people, including centenarians.

Age- and sex-related changes in lymphocyte subpopulations of healthy Asian subjects: from birth to adulthood.

Age-related defects in CD2 receptor-induced activation in human T-cell subsets.

Immunological parameters in current and former US Air Force personnel.

Developmental regulation of a murine T-cell-specific tyrosine kinase gene, Tsk.

Reference ranges for lymphocyte subsets in pediatric patients.

Distribution of lymphocyte subpopulations in thymus, spleen, and peripheral blood of specific pathogen free pigs from 1 to 40 weeks of age.

Expression of gamma/delta T cell receptors in porcine thymus.

Fc gamma RII/III and CD2 expression mark distinct subpopulations of immature CD4-CD8- murine thymocytes: in vivo developmental kinetics and T cell receptor beta chain rearrangement status.

Age-related increase in the fraction of CD27-CD4 T cells and IL-4 production as a feature of CD4 T cell differentiation in vivo.

The CD45RA (quiescent) cellular phenotype is overabundant relative to the CD45RA- phenotype within the involuted splenic T cell population of weanling mice subjected to wasting protein-energy malnutrition.

Prevention of age-related T cell apoptosis defect in CD2-fas-transgenic mice.

Altered cytokine expression in T lymphocytes from human immunodeficiency virus Tat transgenic mice.

Decreased TcR-CD3 T cell numbers in healthy aged humans. Evidence that T cell defects are masked by a reciprocal increase of TcR-CD3- CD2 natural killer cells.

A novel T cell-activating molecule (THAM) highly expressed on CD4-CD8- murine thymocytes.

Expression of c-fos, c-jun and jun B in peripheral blood lymphocytes from young and elderly adults.

Comparison of T cell functional changes during childhood with the ontogeny of CDw29 and CD45RA expression on CD4 T cells.

Development of the B- and T-cell compartments in porcine lymphoid organs from birth to adult life: an immunohistological approach.

Comparison of CD3 and CD2 activation pathways in T cells from young and elderly adults.