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Growth hormone receptor precursor (GH receptor) (Somatotropin receptor) [Contains: Growth hormone-binding protein (GH-binding protein) (GHBP) (Serum-binding protein)]


Tissue-Specific GHR Knockout Mice: An Updated Review.

Data mining of human plasma proteins generates a multitude of highly predictive aging clocks that reflect different aspects of aging.

Muscle-dependent regulation of adipose tissue function in long-lived growth hormone-mutant mice.

The mir-465 family is upregulated with age and attenuates growth hormone signaling in mouse liver.

Growth hormone during in vitro fertilization in older women modulates the density of receptors in granulosa cells, with improved pregnancy outcomes.

Effects of rapamycin on growth hormone receptor knockout mice.

Disruption of the GH receptor gene in adult mice and in insulin sensitive tissues.

The GH receptor exon 3 deletion is a marker of male-specific exceptional longevity associated with increased GH sensitivity and taller stature.

Differential effects of early-life nutrient restriction in long-lived GHR-KO and normal mice.

Brain Structure and Function Associated with Younger Adults in Growth Hormone Receptor-Deficient Humans.

Enhanced Cognition and Hypoglutamatergic Signaling in a Growth Hormone Receptor Knockout Mouse Model of Successful Aging.

Growth hormone receptor expression in human gluteal versus abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue: Association with body shape.

The somatotropic axis and aging: Benefits of endocrine defects.

Growth factors, aging and age-related diseases.

Correlation Analysis Between Expression Levels of Hepatic Growth Hormone Receptor, Janus Kinase 2, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Genes and Dwarfism Phenotype in Bama Minipig.

Growth hormone modulates hypothalamic inflammation in long-lived pituitary dwarf mice.

Removal of growth hormone receptor (GHR) in muscle of male mice replicates some of the health benefits seen in global GHR-/- mice.

Gene expression of key regulators of mitochondrial biogenesis is sex dependent in mice with growth hormone receptor deletion in liver.

{{medline-entry |title=Interaction of growth hormone receptor/binding protein gene disruption and caloric restriction for insulin sensitivity and attenuated aging. |pubmed-url= |abstract=The correlation of physiological sensitivity to insulin ( vis-à-vis glycemic regulation) and longevity is extensively established, creating a justifiable gerontological interest on whether insulin sensitivity is causative, or even predictive, of some or all phenotypes of slowed senescence (including longevity). The growth hormone receptor/ binding protein gene-disrupted (GHR-KO) mouse is the most extensively investigated insulin-sensitive, attenuated aging model. It was reported that, in a manner divergent from similar mutants, GHR-KO mice fail to respond to caloric restriction (CR) by altering their insulin sensitivity. We hypothesized that maximized insulin responsiveness is what causes GHR-KO mice to exhibit a suppressed survivorship response to dietary (including caloric) restriction; and attempted to refute this hypothesis by assessing the effects of CR on GHR-KO mice for varied slow-aging-associated phenotypes. In contrast to previous reports, we found GHR-KO mice on CR to be less responsive than their ad libitum (A.L.) counterparts to the hypoglycemia-inducing effects of insulin. Further, CR had negligible effects on the metabolism or cognition of GHR-KO mice. Therefore, our data suggest that the effects of CR on the insulin sensitivity of GHR-KO mice do not concur with the effects of CR on the aging of GHR-KO mice.

|keywords=Longevity regulation; endocrinology