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B-cell receptor CD22 precursor (B-lymphocyte cell adhesion molecule) (BL-CAM) (Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 2) (Siglec-2) (T-cell surface antigen Leu-14) (CD22 antigen) [SIGLEC2]


Sialylation and Galectin-3 in Microglia-Mediated Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration.

CD22 blockade restores homeostatic microglial phagocytosis in ageing brains.

Age-related changes in mRNA expression of selected surface receptors in lymphocytes of dairy calves.

Siglec-G Deficiency Leads to Autoimmunity in Aging C57BL/6 Mice.

Double negative (CD19 IgG IgD-CD27-) B lymphocytes: a new insight from telomerase in healthy elderly, in centenarian offspring and in Alzheimer's disease patients.

Histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical study of the lymph nodes of the one humped camel (Camelus dromedarius).

Immunophenotypic analysis of bone marrow B lymphocyte precursors (hématogones) by flow cytometry.

The antigen receptor complex on cord B lymphocytes.