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Prothrombin precursor (EC (Coagulation factor II) [Contains: Activation peptide fragment 1; Activation peptide fragment 2; Thrombin light chain; Thrombin heavy chain]


A Comprehensive Analysis of Age and Gender Effects in European Portuguese Oral Vowels.

Environmental risk assessment of glufosinate-resistant soybean by pollen-mediated gene flow under field conditions in the region of the genetic origin.

Prenatal exposure to an environmentally relevant phthalate mixture accelerates biomarkers of reproductive aging in a multiple and transgenerational manner in female mice.

Gestational arsenite exposure augments hepatic tumors of C3H mice by promoting senescence in F1 and F2 offspring via different pathways.

Familial Longevity is Associated with an Attenuated Thyroidal Response to Recombinant Human Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.

Conclusions from a behavioral aging study on male and female F2 hybrid mice on age-related behavior, buoyancy in water-based tests, and an ethical method to assess lifespan.

In utero exposure to acetaminophen and ibuprofen leads to intergenerational accelerated reproductive aging in female mice.

Mitochondrial DNA alterations in aged macrophage migration inhibitory factor-knockout mice.

Effect of zirconia surface treatment, resin cement and aging on the load-bearing capacity under fatigue of thin simplified full-contour Y-TZP restorations.

Maternal Resveratrol Supplementation Prevents Cognitive Decline in Senescent Mice Offspring.

Transgenerational hormetic effects of sublethal dose of flupyradifurone on the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae).

Early treatment of acute hepatitis C infection is cost-effective in HIV-infected men-who-have-sex-with-men.

Adult rat morphine exposure changes morphine preference, anxiety, and the brain expression of dopamine receptors in male offspring.

Age-related changes in shock absorption capacity of the human spinal column.

Influence of Supplemental Protein on the Life Expectancy and Reproduction of the Chinese Citrus Fruit Fly, Bactrocera minax (Enderlein) (Tetradacus minax) (Diptera: Tephritidae).

Effect of Cold Storage on Biological Traits of Psix saccharicola (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae), an Egg Parasitoid of Acrosternum arabicum (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae).

Short-Term Genetic Selection for Adolescent Locomotor Sensitivity to Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Early-life exposure to three size-fractionated ultrafine and fine atmospheric particulates in Beijing exacerbates asthma development in mature mice.

F2-Isoprostanes Reflect Oxidative Stress Correlated With Lean Mass and Bone Density but Not Insulin Resistance.

Multigenerational effects of 4-methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) on the survival, development and reproduction of the marine copepod Tigriopus japonicus.

Effects of Aging on Vocal Fundamental Frequency and Vowel Formants in Men and Women.

Is Longevity a Heritable Trait? Evidence for Non-genomic Influence from an Extended Longevity Phenotype of Drosophila melanogaster.

Effects of cold storage on the biological characteristics of Microplitis prodeniae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).

Chronic exposure of zinc oxide nanoparticles causes deviant phenotype in Drosophila melanogaster.

The Interaction of Lexical Characteristics and Speech Production in Parkinson's Disease.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids ameliorate aging via redox-telomere-antioncogene axis.

Stage dependent nutritional regulation of transgenerational longevity.

Transgenerational programming of longevity through E(z)-mediated histone H3K27 trimethylation in [i]Drosophila[/i].

Correlation between flexural and indirect tensile strength of resin composite cements.

Effects of aging and freezing/thawing sequence on quality attributes of bovine [i]Mm. gluteus medius[/i] and [i]biceps femoris[/i].

Active Cigarette Smoking in Cognitively-Normal Elders and Probable Alzheimer's Disease is Associated with Elevated Cerebrospinal Fluid Oxidative Stress Biomarkers.

Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C in the Aged - Does It Impact Life Expectancy? A Decision Analysis.

The long-term effects of acute exposure to ionising radiation on survival and fertility in Daphnia magna.

Elevated plasma F2-isoprostane levels in schizophrenia.

Effects of Usag-1 and Bmp7 deficiencies on murine tooth morphogenesis.

Transgenerational effects of maternal diet on metabolic and reproductive ageing.

Transgenerational programming of longevity and reproduction by post-eclosion dietary manipulation in Drosophila.

Mutated Huntingtin Causes Testicular Pathology in Transgenic Minipig Boars.

Spectrographic Acoustic Vocal Characteristics of Elderly Women Engaged in Aerobics.

The Effect of Different Host Plants on Development and Survival of Nysius natalensis (Hemiptera: Orsillidae).

Effect of semolina-jaggery diet on survival and development of Drosophila melanogaster.

Ovarian senescence increases liver fibrosis in humans and zebrafish with steatosis.

A Chromosome 13 locus is associated with male-specific mortality in mice.

A systematic approach to standardize artificial aging of resin composite cements.

Neuron specific reduction in CuZnSOD is not sufficient to initiate a full sarcopenia phenotype.

Pregnant growth restricted female rats have bone gains during late gestation which contributes to second generation adolescent and adult offspring having normal bone health.

Vitamin C deficiency in the brain impairs cognition, increases amyloid accumulation and deposition, and oxidative stress in APP/PSEN1 and normally aging mice.

The significance of body mass index in calculating the cut-off points for low muscle mass in the elderly: methodological issues.

Acute exercise increases resistance to oxidative stress in young but not older adults.

Transgenerational left ventricular hypertrophy and hypertension in offspring after uteroplacental insufficiency in male rats.

Genetic Regulation of Female Sexual Maturation and Longevity Through Circulating IGF1.

Influence of lifestyle modifications on age-related free radical injury to brain.

Influence of endothelial dysfunction on telomere length in subjects with metabolic syndrome: LIPGENE study.

Fine mapping of the lesion mimic and early senescence 1 (lmes1) in rice (Oryza sativa).

In utero undernutrition in male mice programs liver lipid metabolism in the second-generation offspring involving altered Lxra DNA methylation.

Cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships between cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers and cognitive function in people without cognitive impairment from across the adult life span.

Effects of radiation on inherited sterility in the European grapevine moth (Lobesia botrana).

F2-isoprostanes as a biomarker of oxidative stress in the mouse bladder.

[Clinical and genetic characteristics of long-livers in Moscow region].

The use of a heterogeneously controlled mouse population reveals a significant correlation of acute phase parasitemia with mortality in Chagas disease.

Genes belonging to the insulin and ecdysone signaling pathways can contribute to developmental time, lifespan and abdominal size variation in Drosophila americana.

Protein thiol oxidation does not change in skeletal muscles of aging female mice.

Perennially young: seed production and quality in controlled and natural populations of Cistus albidus reveal compensatory mechanisms that prevent senescence in terms of seed yield and viability.

QTLs influencing IGF-1 levels in a LOU/CxFischer 344F2 rat population. Tracks towards the metabolic theory of Ageing.

Effects of body-color mutations on vitality: an attempt to establish easy-to-breed see-through medaka strains by outcrossing.

Inducible transgenic expression in the short-lived fish Nothobranchius furzeri.

Reproductive and genotoxic effects in zebrafish after chronic exposure to methyl methanesulfonate in a multigeneration study.

Drosophila americana as a model species for comparative studies on the molecular basis of phenotypic variation.

Comparative analysis of quantitative trait loci for body weight, growth rate and growth curve parameters from 3 to 72 weeks of age in female chickens of a broiler-layer cross.

Age-dependent responsiveness of human female bone cells to vitamin D analog and PTH.

Dietary restriction attenuates the accelerated aging phenotype of Sod1(-/-) mice.

The effect of grand maternal nicotine exposure during gestation and lactation on lung integrity of the F2 generation.

{{medline-entry |title=Influence of Orientia tsutsugamushi infection on the developmental biology of Leptotrombidium imphalum and Leptotrombidium chiangraiensis (Acari: Trombiculidae). |pubmed-url=https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23270154 |abstract=Leptotrombidium chiangraiensis Tanskul