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Tissue factor precursor (TF) (Coagulation factor III) (Thromboplastin) (CD142 antigen)


A Comprehensive Analysis of Age and Gender Effects in European Portuguese Oral Vowels.

Prenatal exposure to an environmentally relevant phthalate mixture accelerates biomarkers of reproductive aging in a multiple and transgenerational manner in female mice.

Combining Frontal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation With Walking Rehabilitation to Enhance Mobility and Executive Function: A Pilot Clinical Trial.

Assessing the Retest Reliability of Prefrontal EEG Markers of Brain Rhythm Slowing in the Eyes-Closed Resting State.

Multigenerational exposure to TiO nanoparticles in soil stimulates stress resistance and longevity of survived C. elegans via activating insulin/IGF-like signaling.

Co-expression network analysis identified hub genes critical to triglyceride and free fatty acid metabolism as key regulators of age-related vascular dysfunction in mice.

Transgenerational Effects of Extended Dauer Diapause on Starvation Survival and Gene Expression Plasticity in [i]Caenorhabditis elegans[/i].

Influence of Supplemental Protein on the Life Expectancy and Reproduction of the Chinese Citrus Fruit Fly, Bactrocera minax (Enderlein) (Tetradacus minax) (Diptera: Tephritidae).

Early-life exposure to three size-fractionated ultrafine and fine atmospheric particulates in Beijing exacerbates asthma development in mature mice.

Multigenerational effects of 4-methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) on the survival, development and reproduction of the marine copepod Tigriopus japonicus.

Effects of Aging on Vocal Fundamental Frequency and Vowel Formants in Men and Women.

Shedding light on gray(ing) areas: Connectivity and task switching dynamics in aging.

Chronic exposure of zinc oxide nanoparticles causes deviant phenotype in Drosophila melanogaster.

Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C in the Aged - Does It Impact Life Expectancy? A Decision Analysis.

Transgenerational programming of longevity and reproduction by post-eclosion dietary manipulation in Drosophila.

Spectrographic Acoustic Vocal Characteristics of Elderly Women Engaged in Aerobics.

Fat and carbohydrate intake over three generations modify growth, metabolism and cardiovascular phenotype in female mice in an age-related manner.

Effect of semolina-jaggery diet on survival and development of Drosophila melanogaster.

Docosahexaenoic acid in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus): the importance of dietary supply and physiological response during the entire growth period.

Starvation-induced transgenerational inheritance of small RNAs in C. elegans.

Air pollution and gene-specific methylation in the Normative Aging Study: association, effect modification, and mediation analysis.

Age differences in the association of obstructive sleep apnea risk with cognition and quality of life.

Improvement of cognitive function and physical activity of aging mice by human neural stem cells over-expressing choline acetyltransferase.

Probing the early development of visual working memory capacity with functional near-infrared spectroscopy.

Quantification of in vivo oxidative damage in Caenorhabditis elegans during aging by endogenous F3-isoprostane measurement.

Gene promoter methylation is associated with lung function in the elderly: the Normative Aging Study.

Aging and epigenetics: longitudinal changes in gene-specific DNA methylation.

Prevalence of insomnia and its relationship to the health habits or status of women living along a city road part 1. epidemiologie study.

Influences of brain development and ageing on cortical interactive networks.

Cella media distance in human brain in relation to age and gender.

Age-dependent role of steroids in the regulation of growth of the hen follicular wall.

Pre-movement gating of somatosensory-evoked potentials by self-initiated movements: the effects of ageing and its implication.

Distinguishing childhood absence epilepsy patients from controls by the analysis of their background brain electrical activity.

Effects of ginsenosides, active ingredients of Panax ginseng, on development, growth, and life span of Caenorhabditis elegans.

Age, sex, and vowel dependencies of acoustic measures related to the voice source.

Electroencephalographic approximate entropy changes in healthy volunteers during remifentanil infusion.

Application of Cutometer area parameters for the study of human skin fatigue.

Delayed motherhood decreases life expectancy of mouse offspring.

Fitness cost of resistance to cadmium in the least killifish (Heterandria formosa).

Age effects on visual EEG responses reveal distinct frontal alpha networks.

Effect of nonylphenol on serum testosterone levels and testicular steroidogenic enzyme activity in neonatal, pubertal, and adult rats.

Chronic nutritional deprivation of n-3 alpha-linolenic acid does not affect n-6 arachidonic acid recycling within brain phospholipids of awake rats.

Generation dependent reduction of tTA expression in double transgenic NZL-2/tTA(CMV) mice.

The Hebrew vowel system: raw and normalized acoustic data.

Reduced activation of midline frontal areas in human elderly subjects: a contingent negative variation study.

Influence of aging and cell senescence on telomerase activity in keratinocytes.

Regional distribution and cell type-specific expression of the mouse F3 axonal glycoprotein: a developmental study.

The epithelial cell response to rotavirus infection.

Abnormally high nourishment during sensitive periods results in body weight changes across generations.

Age-related decline of F3/contactin in rat hippocampus.

Body weight and egg weight dynamics in layers.

Age-related changes in structure and relative collagen content of the human and feline sinoatrial node. A comparative study.

Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and cognitive decline in the elderly.

Genetic and phenotypic (co)variances for production traits of intact male populations of purebred and composite beef cattle.

Genetic and phenotypic (co)variances for production traits of female populations of purebred and composite beef cattle.

[The age-dependent dynamics of brain potentials related to movement in 9- to 12-year-old children].

Decreased granulosa cell luteinizing hormone sensitivity and altered thecal estradiol concentration in the aged hen, Gallus domesticus.

Evaluation of right and left ventricular size in SHR-Wistar hybrids.

Oligosaccharide composition, localization, and developmental changes of a CNS-specific (F3-87-8) glycoprotein.

Word-to-word variation in ERP component latencies: spoken words.

EEG and skeletal development in children with different psychosocial characteristics.

Development of the electroencephalographic rhythms of wakefulness in healthy infants during their first year.

Polymorphism of apolipoprotein A-II (apoA-II) among inbred strains of mice. Relationship between the molecular type of apoA-II and mouse senile amyloidosis.

[Age-related peculiarities of acetylation of rat liver nuclear histones].

Composition of liver histones in aging rat and mouse.

Covalent modification of nuclear proteins during aging.

[Comparative study of microsomal enzymic activities in adult and foetal monkey hepatocytes (author's transl)].