List of Facebook groups: различия между версиями

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(Новая страница: «{{Featured article|Facebook list}} As of 2018 there are still no major transhumanist forums on the Internet. There are a multitude of large and active Facebook groups as well as some significant pages. This page serves as a central listing. Private groups which you must join to read and participate in are marked with the lock icon 15px|link= File:Facebook overlord.jpg|th...»)
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Версия от 14:07, 15 января 2023

As of 2018 there are still no major transhumanist forums on the Internet.

There are a multitude of large and active Facebook groups as well as some significant pages. This page serves as a central listing. Private groups which you must join to read and participate in are marked with the lock icon

Facebook in control of transhumanist discussion


Group Approx members 2017 Affiliations or owner
Singularity Network 26,105 Singularity Network (Facebook)
Science, Technology & the Future 11,554 Science, Technology & the Future (group) / SciFuture Page (Page)
Ray Kurzweil's Singularity 2,541 Ray Kurzweil fan group
Singulati: keeping an eye on the technological singularity... 2,015 Singularity Weblog
Transhumanismo 3,060 Transhumanismo (Transhumanism in Spanish)
Singularity: The Syntellect Emergence 1707
Life Extension - Transhumanism Science Technology Meditation 1,575
Posthuman Network 3,752 Posthuman Network / Rules
Transhuman Foundation 1146 Ultra-Progressive Transhumanist Movement
Scientific Transhumanism 18,868 Atheistic transhumanism
Global Transhumanist Association 6,830 Michael Anissimov
Transhumanism 7,408
Rational Transhumanism 6,465 Rational Transhumanism FAQ
Transhumanism: The Future of Humanity 9,634
Transhumanist Citizens 2,639
Transhumanist Art 2,976 Transhumanist Art
Humanity Plus 1,616 Humanity+
Humanity+ Full Members 65 Humanity+
Humanity+ Members Discussion New Humanity+
Transhumanist Sanctuary 1,221 Transhumanist Sanctuary
Ray Kurzweil 13,259 Ray Kurzweil (unofficial)
Christian transhumanism 652 Christian transhumanism (closed submissions)
Irrational Transhumanism 1,914 Irrational Transhumanism/Futurist and transhumanist humour
Transfelinism 11 Meow
Spiritual transhumanism 98 Including Spiritual transhumanism
Science & Transhumanism 648 Science & Transhumanism
Egalitarian Transhumanism 24,571 Egalitarian Transhumanism
Posthuman 652 Posthuman
Moderate Transhumanism 41 Moderate Transhumanism
H+ Magazine Contributors Group 1,879 H+ Magazine
The Hedonistic Imperative 4,975 Abolitionism
The Foundation 32 The Foundation
The Singularity 1,637 The Singularity
Vegan Transhumanists United 340 Vegan Transhumanists United
General evolution theory 1,360 General evolution theory
IEET 2,431 Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies
Transhumanists In Education 322 Transhumanists In Education
Animal Cognition 4,699 Animal Cognition
Spiritual transhumanism 802 Spiritual transhumanism
wh+ 2,997 wh+ (English)
wh+ 1,821 wh+ (Español)
H Plus Divulgation Group 194 H Plus Divulgation Group (Español)
2045 Initiative 2,103 2045 Initiative
H+ for Space 854 H+ for Space
Brazilian Transhumanist and Biohacker Institute Group 116 Brazilian Transhumanist
Augmenting Intelligence 3,468 Augmenting Intelligence - Mind Uploading
Technological Life Extension 1,755 The Evolution of Science and Technological Life Extension..
Singularity 1,707 Singularity: The Syntellect Emergence
Terasem 333 Terasem Movement
Our Transhuman Futures 375 Our Transhuman Futures
Buddhist transhumanism 1,225 Buddhist transhumanism
Quantum Age Transhumanism 1,769 Quantum Age Transhumanism
Philosophical posthumanism 732 Philosophical posthumanism
Robot Cult 695 General / Robot Cult
New York Posthuman 448 New York Posthuman Research Group
Reconstruction of consciousness 940 Reconstruction of consciousness/Digital immortality
Moral enhancement 339 Moral enhancement
S.P.A 1,682 Simulated Reality / Posthumanism / Artificial Intelligence Debate.
Vegan Transhumanists United 340 Vegan Transhumanists United
The in vitro meat question 334 The in vitro meat question
Negative Utilitarianism 241 Negative Utilitarianism and Suffering-Focused Ethics
Transhumanism 277 Morphological Freedom, Transhumanism, Life Extension & Enhancement
Трансгуманизм 338 Transhumanism in Russian/Трансгуманизм‎‎
Technological singularity 1,699 Technological singularity
Russian Transhumanist Movement 1,344 Russian Transhumanist Movement
Transhumanismus, Extropismus, Technooptimismus 1,334 Transhumanismus, Extropismus, Technooptimismus
The Egalitarian Transhumanist society of India 873 The Egalitarian Transhumanist society of India
Accelerating Change: A Transhumanist Collective 187 Accelerating Change: A Transhumanist Collective
Transhumanist Library XChange 436 Transhumanist Library XChange
H+Pedia 438 H+Pedia - why are you not already a member??
h+ Open letters 129
Transhumanist memes group 61 Futurist and transhumanist humour
Posthuman Buddhism 22 Buddhist transhumanism
Network Transumanisti Italiani 3,276 Italian Transhumanist Network
Singularity Discussion 1,749
Scientific Transhumanism V2.0 313
Technical Transhumanism 157 Logan Thrasher Collins
Science Advisers for Media: Theater, Film, Video & Internet 390 Art
Transcaninism 25 Woof
Transhuman Seasteading 224
Futurist And Transhumanist YouTubers 68 Miss Metaverse

Geographic groups


Group Approx members 2016 Affiliations or owner
CLOSING THE LIFE EXPECTANCY GAP 2 298 Eastern Europe - owners : Lilia Lens-Pechakova, Marios Kyriazis, Life Extension Beyond Borders Association
Oxford transhumanists
Longevity UK
Humanity+ UK
Oxford Transhumanism & Emerging Technologies
Longevity Party / Global Healthspan Policy Institute
Longevity Netherlands 264 Netherlands
Longevity Belgium 199 Belgium
Longevity Alliance Denmark
Longevity Switzerland 180 Switzerland
Longevity Forum Austria 30 Austria
Longevity Cyprus - Hellas 105 Cyprus
Longevity Czech Republic 80 Czech Republic
Longevity Finland 127 Finland
Longévité Santé
Longevity France
Longévité Santé
Longevity Party Georgia 74 Georgia
Longevity Germany 257 Germany
Longevity Party Ireland 232 Ireland
Longevity Alliance Italia 308
Longevity Party of Macedonia 68 Macedonia
Longevity Moldova 73 Moldova
Longevity Norge
Norske Transhumanister
Longevity Party Poland (Zrzeszenie Długowiecznośći) 329 Poland
Longevity Portugal 95 Portugal
Longevity Party Romania 212 Romania
Международный альянс за продление жизни (International Longevity Alliance)
Партия продления жизни
Longevity Alliance of Serbia 72 Serbia
Human Longevity Spain-Longevidad Humana España 295 Spain
Svenska Livsförlängningssällskapet
Longevity Ukraine 138 Ukraine
Longevity Baltics 16 Baltics
Longevity Bulgaria-Immortality 36 Bulgaria


Group Approx members 2016 Affiliations or owner
Longevity party Bangladesh 126 Bangladesh
Singapore Futurists
Longevity Party Singapore
Longevity China 270 China
Transhumanism PH
Longevity Philippines
Biopunk Manila Movement
Longevity Alliance Australia 160 Australia
Longevity Alliance India
India Future Society
India Future Society
Longevity Indonesia 35 Indonesia
Japan Longevity Alliance 90 Japan
Longevity Party Korea 165 Korea
Longevity Pakistan 377 Pakistan
Longevity Taiwan 141 Taiwan
Longevity party Thailand 93 Thailand
Longevity Vietnam 99 Vietnam

North America

Group Approx members 2016 Approx members 2018 Affiliations or owner
Transhumanismo Ciudad de Mexico
Salud, Dignidad y Longevidad (MEXICO)
Transhumanism Mexico City
American Longevity Alliance
Stanford Transhumanist Association
American Longevity Alliance
Longevity Canada
Toronto Transhumanists
Longévité Québec - Lifespan Québec
Cryonie Québec - Cryonics Quebec

South America

Group Approx members 2016 Affiliations or owner
Longevity Brazil 221
Transhumanism, Science and Future Argentina 729 Argentina
Longevity Colombia 121
Transhumanism, Science and Future Uruguay 1,129 Transhumanism Uruguay
Longevity Chile 53 Life extension in Chile
Longevity Peru 86
Longevity Latin America 92
Longevity Venezuela 131

Middle East

Group Approx members 2016 Affiliations or owner
Egyptian Longevity Alliance 237
Longevity Alliance Iran
Longevity Iran
Longevity Iraq 68
Israeli Longevity Alliance 548
Longevity Turkey 316
Longevity Middle East 79


Group Approx members 2016 Affiliations or owner
Longevity Party South Africa 190
Longevity Morocco 250
Longevity Nigeria 135
Longevity - Benin
Longevity Party of Uganda 166
Longevity Africa 86

Futurist politics

Group Approx members 2016 Affiliations or owner
Technolibertarians 3,790 Mike Lorrey/Technolibertarianism
ZEROSTATE 3,170 Zero State
International Transhumanist Politics 23 Transhumanist Party Global
Decentralized Autonomous Society 1,493 Joel Dietz
Singularity - Political Philosophies 1,193 Mark Larkento
Transpolitica 439 Transpolitica
Transhuman Foundation 1146 Ultra-progressive Transhumanism
Democratic Transhumanism 333 Democratic Transhumanism
Technoprogressive Library 298 Technoprogressivism/Mark Larkento
Libertarian transhumanism 25 Libertarian transhumanism
Space Party (Policy Advocacy Movement) 243 Space Party
H+ Politics 1,068 Transhumanist politics
The Venus Project 26,564 Venus Project

Meta groups

Group Approx members 2016 Affiliations or owner
H+ Hijacking Prevention Guardians 92
H+ Flash Media Team 128
H+ Council H+ Council

Transhumanist political organisations

Group Approx members 2016 Affiliations or owner
Transhumanist Party Virtual 1,408 Transhumanist Party Virtual
Transhuman National Committee of the United States 1,040 Transhuman National Committee
Transhumanist Party 1,524 Transhumanist Party (US)
UK transhumanist party 653 Transhumanist Party (UK)
Transhumanist Party Australia 294 Transhumanist Party Australia
Transhumanist Party India - TPI 286 Transhumanist Party India
Transhumanist party of Nevada 53 Nevada Transhumanist Party
#HplusCanada Rally+Organize 64 Transhumanist Party of Canada
Transhumanist party of Texas 11
Longevity Party 7,200 Longevity Party
Transhumanist Party of New Hampshire 41 ?
The Transhumanist Party of Calgary 183 Transhumanist Party of Calgary
Parti Transhumaniste France 171 Parti Transhumaniste France
Swedish Transhumanist Party 108
Netherlands Transhumanist party 95
Transhumanes Netzwerk 305 Transhumane Partei Deutschland

Life extension

Group Approx members 2016 Affiliations or owner
Global Healthspan Policy Institute 1,414 Global Healthspan Policy Institute
Live Forever Fellowship
Eternal Life Fans
Eternal Life Fan Club
Transcendence engineers 289
Immortality 6,609
International Longevity Alliance 5,539 International Longevity Alliance
Comparative gerontology 382
International Science Research Alert Page 366
ILA: Longevity Activists 501 Longevity Alliance
Discussing SENS 174 SENS
Ending aging: SENS, SENS Foundation, Aubrey de Grey 7,375 SENS
Longevity Month 102 Longevity Alliance/Longevity Day and Month
End Aging Now 3,574 Radical Life Extension
Legal Support of Longevity Research 406 Life extension policy
Effective Advocacy for (Radical) Longevity 134
LongeCity Local Chapters
LongeCity UK
LongeCity Australia & New Zealand
Longevity for All 222 Longevity for All
ILA: actions 649
ILA: Longevity Activists 616
PotentialGerontodrugsToTest 1,012
ILA Longevity Grant and Job Postings 1,115
Longevity Art 271
RAAD Fest 144 RAAD Fest
forever healthy 564 Forever Healthy
Longevity Conferences 195
Longevity Experts 76
MajorMouseTestingProgram 856 Major Mouse Testing Program
Effective Altruism 11,194 Effective altruism
Open Longevity 2,564 Open Longevity
Longevity Hub 403 Longevity Hub (defunct)
Regenerative Medicine 1,553
Live long enough to live forever 655 Life extension
Longevity memeposting 367


Group Approx members 2016 Affiliations or owner
BioHackers (GLOBAL) 410
Free State Transhumanist Biohackers 200


Group Approx members 2016 Affiliations or owner
The Cryonics Institute 8,648
The Phoenix Cryonics Group 350
Cryonics UK 309 Cryonics UK
Cryonics Society 187
Euro Cryonics 182
Effective Altruism & Cryonics 49 Effective Altruism & Cryonics
Cryonics Fellowship 97

Misc futurism

Group Approx members 2016 Affiliations or owner 13,255 Future Timeline
Science, Technology, and Society discussion corner 7,054
Alexandria Novus Library Group 76 Mark Larkento
Foresight Institute 2,291 Foresight Institute
Techno-Optimism 4,508 Techno-optimism
Technogaianism 1,009 Technogaianism (idea)
AI Safety Discussion 415
AI Philosophy 9602 Marvin Minsky -- Eray Ozkural, Positivist Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
The Future of Artificial Intelligence 2,747 AI
Future Day 1,809 Future Day
Hedonistic Utilitarianism 417 Hedonistic Utilitarianism
Future Hunt 1,064
Less Wrong (now 'Brain Debugging Discussion') 5,227 Less Wrong
More Wrong 235 Less Wrong
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) 1,220 AI
Superintelligence 1,231 Superintelligence
Altruism 115
Future Hunt 898
Institute for Science and Human Values 3,995
Ambassadors of A.I. 163 AI
Virtual Reality 1,042 Virtual reality
The Brain Cafe 16,424
Augmenting Intelligence - Mind Uploading 3,189 Mind uploading
Cyberpunk Science Fiction & Culture 13,880 Cyberpunk
Cyberpunk 14,923 Cyberpunk
Cyberlife 176 Cyberlife
Friends Who Like Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News 131 Biotechnology
Future Hunt 925 Futurism
Radical Rationalist Memes 427 Less Wrong humour
Orion's Arm 238 Orion's Arm Universe Project
The Singularity Comedy Network (TSCN) 454
Deus Ex: Universe Hub 3,104 Deus Ex
carboncopies 1,823 Carboncopies
Manila Biopunk Movement 203 Biopunk/Biotechnology
The Future, Getting There from Here 2,458 Samantha Atkins/Futurism
Eclipse Phase - Transhuman Conspiracy and Horror 755 Eclipse Phase
Lifeboat Foundation 5,629 Lifeboat Foundation
Science & Futurism with Isaac Arthur 2,151 Isaac Arthur
Mr Futurist 33 Futurism / News
Radical Science News Group 4,309 Radical Science News