Transhuman National Committee
Not to be confused with Transhumanist National Committee LLC

The Transhuman National Committee of the United States (TNC) was a transhumanist political action committee that existed from 2016 to 2019 with a long term goal of creating a political party and enhancing the transhumanist movement in the United States. The TNC was community based and evolved out of an effort by The Foundation to create a transhumanist policy center and various other factors in the political transhumanist community, but the committee was dissolved in January 2019 due to lack of funds.
The organization was originally centered on an 8 month strategy in terms of organizing and which was subsequently drawn out due to key element of that plan require funding. The intent was to create the governing body of the Transhuman in politics in the United States. It was headed up by David Kelley as board chairmen as of the 2016 Convention which was held in Feb 2016 using a crowd sourced group AI system where everyone participated as nodes using UNU which was set up and donated by UNU for use in the TNC member portal running in a cloud based system that was provided by Microsoft. The TNC was not affiliated with any other political organization in the United States, but it was organized in such a way that any transhumanist political organization could elect members to the representative board of the TNC.
While the TNC was not directly anti Zoltan Istvan, many of the early members joined in part due to pressure from a lack of community involvement in Zoltan's party and a lack of alignment with the world transhumanist political movement in October 2015.[1] Given these factors and the process that was already in the works around the Transhuman Policy Center the TNC was formed.
The first interim board meeting was held on November 16th,[2] the following virtual convention in Feb of 2016 saw the adoptions of rules and structure as well as the official 2016 platform. The first meeting of ratified board of directors and executive committee was on March 18th 2016.[3] When Mike Lorrey was not elected to the new board at the 2016 Convention, some technolibertarians withdrew from further participation with the TNC.[citation needed]
Policies and PlatformПравить
As a matter of policy the organization believed that political ideology should be wrapped around the Transhumanist Declaration and was in the process of baking that out in the community in public forums. The following was the draft platform for the TNC as of 01/29/02016AD
The first public announcement was on in October 2015.[4]
The stated goal or 'draft' preamble of the TNC Charter:
"We, the Transhumanist National Committee of the United States of America, united in common purpose, hereby rededicate ourselves to the principles which have historically sustained our ideology embodied in the transhumanist declaration.
Recognizing that the vitality of the Nation's political institutions has been the foundation of its enduring strength, however we believe that for the future of our nation, humanity and the world is dependent on careful consideration based on future looking ideology as embodied in the transhumanist declaration.
We acknowledge that creating a political party at a national level is not yet tenable and that we are hereby creating a PAC or Political Action Committee with a future vision of driving transhuman ideology in politics and to one day create a political party and here by does not recognize any other organization in terms of leading transhuman politics in the United States and that such leadership must be democratic listing to those to which we would hope to lead where we create an organization which asks for the people's trust must prove that it trusts the people and a party which hopes to call forth the best the Nation can achieve must embody the best of the Nation's heritage and traditions.
What we seek for our Nation, we hope for all people: individual freedom in the framework of a just society, political freedom in the framework of meaningful participation by all citizens. Bound by the United States Constitution, and the transhumanist declaration aware that an organization must be responsive to be worthy of responsibility, we pledge ourselves to. open, honest endeavor and to the conduct of public affairs in a manner worthy of a society of free people for these ends and upon these principles, we do establish and adopt this Charter of the Transhumanist National Committee of the United States of America."
On January 25, 2019, the Board of the TNC voted unanimously to disband the TNC, due to lack of funding.[5].
For more details, see Board Meeting 01/25/02019 (TNC).