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Complement C3 precursor (C3 and PZP-like alpha-2-macroglobulin domain-containing protein 1) [Contains: Complement C3 beta chain; C3-beta-c (C3bc); Complement C3 alpha chain; C3a anaphylatoxin; Acylation stimulating protein (ASP) (C3adesArg); Complement C3b alpha' chain; Complement C3c alpha' chain fragment 1; Complement C3dg fragment; Complement C3g fragment; Complement C3d fragment; Complement C3f fragment; Complement C3c alpha' chain fragment 2] [CPAMD1]


Inverse association between periumbilical fat and longevity mediated by complement C3 and cardiac structure.

Complement C3 deficiency ameliorates aging related changes in the kidney.

Sialylation and Galectin-3 in Microglia-Mediated Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration.

Classical and lectin complement pathways and markers of inflammation for investigation of susceptibility to infections among healthy older adults.

Quantitative proteomics to study aging in rabbit liver.

Reduced sialylation triggers homeostatic synapse and neuronal loss in middle-aged mice.

[Comparative analysis of experimental data about the effects of various polyphenols on lifespan and aging.]

Age-Associated Dopaminergic Neuron Loss and Midbrain Glia Cell Phenotypic Polarization.

Individual and combined effects of salinity and lipopolysaccharides on the immune response of juvenile Takifugu fasciatus.

[Young and old animals use different strategies for forming an immune response to infectious agents (Pseudomonas aeruginosa и Escherichia coli).]

TREM2 triggers microglial density and age-related neuronal loss.

Age and Sex-Associated Changes of Complement Activity and Complement Levels in a Healthy Caucasian Population.

Traumatic Brain Injury in Aged Mice Induces Chronic Microglia Activation, Synapse Loss, and Complement-Dependent Memory Deficits.

Dialdehyde cellulose crosslinked poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels: Influence of catalyst and crosslinker shelf life.

Effects of Feeding Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) With Industrial Sugars Produced by Plants Using Different Photosynthetic Cycles (Carbon C3 and C4) on the Colony Wintering Ability, Lifespan, and Forage Behavior.

The expression of C1 inhibitor (C1INH) in macrophages is upregulated by retinal pigment epithelial cells - implication in subretinal immune privilege in the aging eye.

Human Cord Blood Serum-Derived APP α-Secretase Cleavage Activity is Mediated by C1 Complement.

Altered gene expression pattern indicates the differential regulation of the immune response system as an important factor in cardiac aging.

Age-related collagen turnover of the interstitial matrix and basement membrane: Implications of age- and sex-dependent remodeling of the extracellular matrix.

Aging-related tau astrogliopathy (ARTAG): not only tau phosphorylation in astrocytes.

A potent tilapia secreted granulin peptide enhances the survival of transgenic zebrafish infected by Vibrio vulnificus via modulation of innate immunity.

Computerized Cognitive Testing for Use in Clinical Trials: A Comparison of the NIH Toolbox and Cogstate C3 Batteries.

Antibodies to Senescent Antigen and C3 Are Not Required for Normal Red Blood Cell Lifespan in a Murine Model.

Gut dysbiosis breaks immunological tolerance toward the central nervous system during young adulthood.

Some immunological responses of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fingerling to acute extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (50 Hz).

Metabolomics of laminae and midvein during leaf senescence and source-sink metabolite management in Brassica napus L. leaves.

d-Allulose, a stereoisomer of d-fructose, extends Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan through a dietary restriction mechanism: A new candidate dietary restriction mimetic.

Depletion of the Third Complement Component Ameliorates Age-Dependent Oxidative Stress and Positively Modulates Autophagic Activity in Aged Retinas in a Mouse Model.

The changing shape of the ISCEV standard pattern onset VEP.

Complement C3 deficiency protects against neurodegeneration in aged plaque-rich APP/PS1 mice.

Extended Multiplexing of Tandem Mass Tags (TMT) Labeling Reveals Age and High Fat Diet Specific Proteome Changes in Mouse Epididymal Adipose Tissue.

Identification of a conserved gene signature associated with an exacerbated inflammatory environment in the hippocampus of aging rats.

{{medline-entry |title=Normative data for parameters of sagittal spinal alignment in healthy subjects: an analysis of gender specific differences and changes with aging in 626 asymptomatic individuals. |pubmed-url=https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27771788 |abstract=This study aims to establish normative data for parameters of spino-pelvic and spinal sagittal alignment, gender related differences and age-related changes in asymptomatic subjects. A total of 626 asymptomatic volunteers from Japanese population were enrolled in this study, including 50 subjects at least for each gender and each decade from 3rd to 8th. Full length, free-standing spine radiographs were obtained. Cervical lordosis (CL; C3-7), thoracic kyphosis (TK; T1-12), lumbar lordosis (LL; T12-S1), pelvic incidence (PI), pelvic tilt (PT), sacral slope (SS) and sagittal vertical axis (SVA) were measured. The average values (degrees) are 4.1 ± 11.7 for CL, 36.0 ± 10.1 for TK, 49.7 ± 11.2 for LL, 53.7 ± 10.9 for PI, 14.5 ± 8.4 for PT, and 39.4 ± 8.0 for SS. Mean SVA is 3.1 ± 12.6 mm. Advancing age caused an increase in CL, PT and SVA, and a decrease in LL and SS. There was a significant gender difference in CL, TK, LL, PI, PT and SVA. From 7th decade to 8th decade, remarkable decrease of LL