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Cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (EC (Cell division protein kinase 6) (Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLSTIRE) [CDKN6]


D-galactose induces senescence of glioblastoma cells through YAP-CDK6 pathway.

Saturated Fatty Acids Promote Hepatocytic Senecence through Regulation of miR-34a/Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 6.

Hepatoprotective effects of hydroxysafflor yellow A in D-galactose-treated aging mice.

Anti-cell growth and anti-cancer stem cell activity of the CDK4/6 inhibitor palbociclib in breast cancer cells.

Compromising the constitutive p16 expression sensitizes human neuroblastoma cells to Hsp90 inhibition and promotes premature senescence.

Palbociclib Effectively Halts Proliferation but Fails to Induce Senescence in Patient-Derived Glioma Stem Cells.

Avenanthramide A Induces Cellular Senescence via miR-129-3p/Pirh2/p53 Signaling Pathway To Suppress Colon Cancer Growth.

Carvacrol nanoemulsion evokes cell cycle arrest, apoptosis induction and autophagy inhibition in doxorubicin resistant-A549 cell line.

Preclinical characterization of abemaciclib in hormone receptor positive breast cancer.

G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4-induced cellular senescence and its senescence-associated gene expression profiling.

Genome-Wide Overexpression Screen Identifies Genes Able to Bypass p16-Mediated Senescence in Melanoma.

p16INK4a suppresses BRCA1-deficient mammary tumorigenesis.

A steroid like phytochemical Antcin M is an anti-aging reagent that eliminates hyperglycemia-accelerated premature senescence in dermal fibroblasts by direct activation of Nrf2 and SIRT-1.

CDK4-CDK6 inhibitors induce autophagy-mediated degradation of DNMT1 and facilitate the senescence antitumor response.

Sperm-associated antigen 9 (SPAG9) promotes the survival and tumor growth of triple-negative breast cancer cells.

MicroRNA-33 promotes the replicative senescence of mouse embryonic fibroblasts by suppressing CDK6.

MiR-506 suppresses proliferation and induces senescence by directly targeting the CDK4/6-FOXM1 axis in ovarian cancer.

Sporadic colorectal cancer development shows rejuvenescence regarding epithelial proliferation and apoptosis.

Aging and microRNA expression in human skeletal muscle: a microarray and bioinformatics analysis.

[Effect of Oviductus Ranae on Cyclin D1, CDK6 and P15 expressions in the liver tissue of aged male rats].

D-type cyclins and G1 progression during liver development in the rat.

Aging impairs induction of cyclin-dependent kinases and down-regulation of p27 in mouse CD4( ) cells.

Expressions and activities of cell cycle regulatory molecules during the transition from myocyte hyperplasia to hypertrophy.