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Forkhead box protein M1 (Forkhead-related protein FKHL16) (Hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 forkhead homolog 11) (HFH-11) (HNF-3/fork-head homolog 11) (M-phase phosphoprotein 2) (MPM-2 reactive phosphoprotein 2) (Transcription factor Trident) (Winged-helix factor from INS-1 cells) [FKHL16] [HFH11] [MPP2] [WIN]


Sirtuin 6 deficiency induces endothelial cell senescence via downregulation of forkhead box M1 expression.

Upregulation of FOXM1 leads to diminished drug sensitivity in myeloma.

Preclinical characterization of abemaciclib in hormone receptor positive breast cancer.

Age-dependent human β cell proliferation induced by glucagon-like peptide 1 and calcineurin signaling.

FOXM1 regulates proliferation, senescence and oxidative stress in keratinocytes and cancer cells.

MELK-T1, a small-molecule inhibitor of protein kinase MELK, decreases DNA-damage tolerance in proliferating cancer cells.

Increased FOXM1 expression can stimulate DNA repair in normal hepatocytes in vivo but also increases nuclear foci associated with senescence.

Cellular senescence and aging: the role of B-MYB.

MiR-506 suppresses proliferation and induces senescence by directly targeting the CDK4/6-FOXM1 axis in ovarian cancer.