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Sucrase-isomaltase, intestinal [Contains: Sucrase (EC; Isomaltase (EC]


Microarray Profiling Reveals Distinct Circulating miRNAs in Aged Male and Female Mice Subjected to Post-stroke Social Isolation.

Effects of age and social isolation on murine hippocampal biochemistry and behavior.

Is Heart Rate a Confounding Factor for Photoplethysmography Markers? A Systematic Review.

Survival time after marked reduction in oral intake in terminally ill noncancer patients: A retrospective study.

Adherence to Mediterranean diet moderates the association between multimorbidity and depressive symptoms in older adults.

Functional disability, depression, and suicidal ideation in older prisoners.

Loneliness, Social Isolation, and Objectively Measured Physical Activity in Rural-Living Older Adults.

The associations between social support and negative social interaction with suicidal ideation in US Chinese older adults.

Cell Senescence and Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in the Brains of People Aged 80 Years and Older.

Clinical findings associated with development of postoperative reflux and short-term survival after small intestinal surgery in geriatric and mature nongeriatric horses.

Saving inventory - Revised: Psychometric performance across the lifespan.

Effects of aerobic fitness on cognitive performance as a function of dual-task demands in older adults.

Predictors of neurodegeneration differ between cognitively normal and subsequently impaired older adults.

Age-related changes in interstitial fibrosis and germ cell degeneration of the canine testis.

Total energy intake according to the level of skeletal muscle mass in Korean adults aged 30 years and older: an analysis of the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (KNHANES) 2008-2011.

Differences in response inhibition processes between adolescents and adults are modulated by sensory processes.

The role of plant size in the selection of glyphosate resistance in Sorghum halepense.

Age Effect on Automatic Inhibitory Function of the Somatosensory and Motor Cortex: An MEG Study.

Gender differences in health expenditure determinants: A follow-up study.

Age-related cognitive impairment is associated with long-term neuroinflammation and oxidative stress in a mouse model of episodic systemic inflammation.

Effects of age and diet on glucose and insulin dynamics in the horse.

Do the antecedents and consequences of loneliness change from middle adulthood into old age?

Self-initiated spatial working memory in young and older adults.

Effect of Gene [i]act[/i]A on the Invasion Efficiency of [i]Listeria monocytogenes[/i], as Observed in Healthy and Senescent Intestinal Epithelial Cells.

[Effect of resveratrol on forelimb grip strength and myofibril structure in aged rats].

Effect of age and dietary carbohydrate profiles on glucose and insulin dynamics in horses.

Associations Between the Differential Definitions of Elder Mistreatment and Suicidal Ideation Outcomes in U.S. Chinese Older Adults: Do the Definitions Matter?

Effects of developmental conditions on glucocorticoid concentrations in adulthood depend on sex and foraging conditions.

Four-year reciprocal relationships between personality and functional ability in older adults with and without sensory impairment: focus on neuroticism and agreeableness.

Different Measures of Auditory and Visual Stroop Interference and Their Relationship to Speech Intelligibility in Noise.

Sexual Well-Being in Older Women: The Relevance of Sexual Excitation and Sexual Inhibition.

Validation of the Shock Index, Modified Shock Index, and Age Shock Index for Predicting Mortality of Geriatric Trauma Patients in Emergency Departments.

Preventive effects of dexmedetomidine on the development of cognitive dysfunction following systemic inflammation in aged rats.

Differential effects of social isolation in adolescent and adult mice on behavior and cortical gene expression.

[Effect of Zhuangyao Jianshen Wan (ZYJCW) on P2X1 and P2X3 mRNA expressions in rats with diuresis caused by kidney deficiency].

Signal intensity loss of the intervertebral discs in the cervical spine of young patients on fluid sensitive sequences.

Hyperinsulinemia/diabetes, hearing, and aging in the University of Wisconsin calorie restriction monkeys.

Differential transcriptional responses underlie dietary induction of intestinal carbohydrase activities in house sparrow nestlings.

Comparison of life history and genetic properties of cowpea bruchid strains and their response to hypoxia.

Long-term test-retest reliability of delayed reward discounting in adolescents.

[Effect of kinetin on immunity and splenic lymphocyte proliferation in vitro in D-galactose-induced aging rats].

Associations between anxiety disorders, suicide ideation, and age in nationally representative samples of Canadian and American adults.

The relationship between body mass index and footprint parameters in older people.

Functional ability loss in sensory impaired and sensory unimpaired very old adults: analyzing causal relations with positive affect across four years.

Effects of prenatal cocaine exposure on social development in mice.

Passive Suicide Ideation: An Indicator of Risk Among Older Adults Seeking Aging Services?

Association between restriction of activity related to chronic diseases and suicidal ideation in older adults in Korea.

Natural leaf senescence: probed by chlorophyll fluorescence, CO2 photosynthetic rate and antioxidant enzyme activities during grain filling in different rice cultivars.

Neonatal alcohol impairs the context preexposure facilitation effect in juvenile rats: dose-response and post-training consolidation effects.

Age-related differences in motor coordination during simultaneous leg flexion and finger extension: influence of temporal pressure.

Age-related changes across the primary and secondary somatosensory areas: an analysis of neuromagnetic oscillatory activities.

Suicidality among older male veterans in the United States: results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study.

Characteristics of balance control in older persons who fall with injury--a prospective study.

The burden of urinary incontinence and urinary bother among elderly prostate cancer survivors.

The effect of age, sex hormones, and bone turnover markers on calcaneal quantitative ultrasonometry in healthy German men.

Longitudinal changes in sulcal morphology associated with late-life aging and MCI.

Aging-related decline in somatosensory inhibition of the human cerebral cortex.

Effects of age on negative BOLD signal changes in the primary somatosensory cortex.

A lipidomics analysis of the relationship between dietary fatty acid composition and insulin sensitivity in young adults.

Mood and memory-associated behaviors in neuropeptide Y5 knockout mice.