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Cortistatin precursor [Contains: Cortistatin-29; Cortistatin-17] [UNQ307/PRO350]


Sex differences in body composition, metabolism-related hormones, and energy homeostasis during aging in Wistar rats.

Effects of age and social isolation on murine hippocampal biochemistry and behavior.

Interleukin 6 reduces allopregnanolone synthesis in the brain and contributes to age-related cognitive decline in mice.

Sex- and age-dependent differences in the hormone and drinking responses to water deprivation.

Ontogeny of the adrenocortical response in an extremely altricial bird.

Exposure to jet lag aggravates depression-like behaviors and age-related phenotypes in rats subject to chronic corticosterone.

Hyperadrenocorticism of calorie restriction contributes to its anti-inflammatory action in mice.

Effect of chronic corticosterone-induced depression on circadian rhythms and age-related phenotypes in mice.

Early Life Stress Strengthens Trait Covariance: A Plastic Response That Results in Reduced Flexibility.

Both Basal and Acute Restraint Stress-Induced c-Fos Expression Is Influenced by Age in the Extended Amygdala and Brainstem Stress Centers in Male Rats.

Stress-induced corticosterone secretion covaries with working memory in aging.

Sex-specific differences in corticosterone secretion, behavioral phenotypes and expression of TrkB.T1 and TrkB.FL receptor isoforms: Impact of systemic TrkB inhibition and combinatory stress exposure in adolescence.

Lifelong Aerobic Exercise Reduces the Stress Response in Rats.

sst -receptor gene deletion exacerbates chronic stress-induced deficits: Consequences for emotional and cognitive ageing.

Chronic corticosterone-induced depression mediates premature aging in rats.

Effects of developmental conditions on glucocorticoid concentrations in adulthood depend on sex and foraging conditions.

Corticosterone Response as an Age-Specific Mediator of Nestling Body Mass in a Wild Passerine.

Impact of transportation duration on stress responses in day-old chicks from young and old breeders.

Long-term effects of adolescent stress on neophobic behaviors in zebra finches are modulated by social context when in adulthood.

A chronic increase of corticosterone age-dependently reduces systemic DNA damage from oxidation in rats.

Prenatal betaine exposure alleviates corticosterone-induced inhibition of CYP27A1 expression in the liver of juvenile chickens associated with its promoter DNA methylation.

Ancestry trumps experience: Transgenerational but not early life stress affects the adult physiological stress response.

Chronic corticosterone treatment enhances extinction-induced depression in aged rats.

Effects of Ontogeny, Diel Rhythms, and Environmental Variation on the Adrenocortical Physiology of Semialtricial Black Kites (Milvus migrans).

Chronic intermittent ethanol exposure during adolescence: Effects on stress-induced social alterations and social drinking in adulthood.

Adolescent caffeine consumption increases adulthood anxiety-related behavior and modifies neuroendocrine signaling.

Short photoperiod condition increases susceptibility to stress in adolescent male rats.

Age and sex differences in c-Fos expression and serum corticosterone concentration following LPS treatment.

Diurnal and stress-induced intra-hippocampal corticosterone rise attenuated in 11β-HSD1-deficient mice: a microdialysis study in young and aged mice.

A comparison of the short- and long-term effects of corticosterone exposure on extinction in adolescence versus adulthood.

Variation in plasma corticosterone in migratory songbirds: a test of the migration-modulation hypothesis.

Calorie restriction and corticosterone elevation during lactation can each modulate adult male fear and anxiety-like behaviour.

Age-dependent effect of high cholesterol diets on anxiety-like behavior in elevated plus maze test in rats.

Intrahippocampal glucocorticoids generated by 11β-HSD1 affect memory in aged mice.

Age-dependent sensitivity to glucocorticoids in the developing mouse basolateral nucleus of the amygdala.

Maternal effects underlie ageing costs of growth in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata).

Serotonin and corticosterone rhythms in mice exposed to cigarette smoke and in patients with COPD: implication for COPD-associated neuropathogenesis.

Glucocorticoid-dependent hippocampal transcriptome in male rats: pathway-specific alterations with aging.

Stress hormones mediate predator-induced phenotypic plasticity in amphibian tadpoles.

The relation between fearfulness in young and stress-response in adult laying hens, on individual and group level.

Developmental stress has sex-specific effects on nestling growth and adult metabolic rates but no effect on adult body size or body composition in song sparrows.

Effects of 900 MHz radiofrequency on corticosterone, emotional memory and neuroinflammation in middle-aged rats.

Aging-related changes in neuroimmune-endocrine function: implications for hippocampal-dependent cognition.

Exogenous corticosterone and nest abandonment: a study in a long-lived bird, the Adélie penguin.

Converging influence of neonatal novelty experience and maternal self-stress regulation on the plasticity of offspring acoustic startle response latency.

Chronic corticosterone administration from adolescence through early adulthood attenuates depression-like behaviors in mice.

Changes of behavioral parameters during long-term food restriction in middle-aged Wistar rats.

Rodent model of infant attachment learning and stress.

Aging increases basal but not stress-induced levels of corticosterone in the brain of the awake rat.

Timing of fledging is influenced by glucocorticoid physiology in Laysan Albatross chicks.

Ferulic acid induces neural progenitor cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo.

Glucose and corticosterone changes in developing and adult rats following exposure to ( /-)-3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine or 5-methoxydiisopropyltryptamine.

Social and non-social anxiety in adolescent and adult rats after repeated restraint.

The influence of age on fecal steroid hormone levels in male Budongo Forest chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii).

Changes in adrenal capacity contribute to a decline in the stress response with age in a long-lived seabird.

Prenatal ethanol exposure alters core body temperature and corticosterone rhythms in adult male rats.

Dynamic changes in parameters of redox balance after mild heat stress in aged laying hens (Gallus gallus domesticus).

Brief and long maternal separations decrease corticosterone secretion in a lupus-prone strain: dissociation from disease-related parameters.

Effects of glucocorticoids on age-related impairments of hippocampal structure and function in mice.

Corticosterone in thin-billed prion Pachyptila belcheri chicks: diel rhythm, timing of fledging and nutritional stress.

Influence of age or circadian time on Bcl-2 and Bax mRNA expression in the rat hippocampus after corticosterone exposure.

Attenuating corticosterone levels on the day of memory assessment prevents chronic stress-induced impairments in spatial memory.

Temporal expression of IL-1beta protein and mRNA in the brain after systemic LPS injection is affected by age and estrogen.

Plasma leptin, ghrelin and adiponectin concentrations in young fit racehorses versus mature unfit standardbreds.

Function of neuropeptide Y and agouti-related protein at weaning: relation to corticosterone, dietary carbohydrate and body weight.

Developmental and diel profiles of plasma corticosteroids in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana.

Enhanced glucocorticoid feedback inhibition of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal responses to stress in adult rats neonatally treated with dexamethasone.

Comparison of maternal separation and early handling in terms of their neurobehavioral effects in aged rats.

Peculiar response of adolescent mice to acute and chronic stress and to amphetamine: evidence of sex differences.

Social isolation stress during the third week of life has age-dependent effects on spatial learning in rats.

Sleep deprivation elevates plasma corticosterone levels in neonatal rats.

Neurohormonal responses to D-fenfluramine in healthy elderly subjects. A placebo-controlled study.

Paradoxical effects of D-amphetamine in infant and adolescent mice: role of gender and environmental risk factors.

Estrogens normalize the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to stress and increase glucocorticoid receptor immuno-reactivity in hippocampus of aging male rats.

Corticosterone release in response to repeated, short episodes of neonatal isolation: evidence of sensitization.

Sexual segregation in infant mice: behavioural and neuroendocrine responses to d-amphetamine administration.

Cortisol secretion and Alzheimer's disease progression.

Nimodipine's protection against corticosterone-induced morphological changes in the hippocampus of young rats.

Aging and acute stress decrease corticotropin releasing hormone in the ovary of the Fischer 344/N rat.

Continuous infusion of adrenocorticotropin elevates circulating lipoprotein cholesterol and corticosterone concentrations in chickens.

Responses to novelty stress in female F344 rats: effects of age and d-fenfluramine treatment.

Chronic RU486 treatment reduces age-related alterations of mouse hippocampal function.

Exacerbation of apoptosis in the dentate gyrus of the aged rat by dexamethasone and the protective role of corticosterone.

Similar effects of aging and corticosterone treatment on mouse hippocampal function.

Maternal regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the infant rat: the roles of feeding and stroking.

Neuroendocrine and neurochemical responses to novelty stress in young and old male F344 rats: effects of d-fenfluramine treatment.

Corticotropin-releasing hormone mediates the response to cold stress in the neonatal rat without compensatory enhancement of the peptide's gene expression.

Adrenocortical hyporesponsiveness and glucocorticoid feedback resistance in old male brown Norway rats.

Intracranial action of corticosterone facilitates the development of behavioral inhibition in the adrenalectomized preweanling rat.

Gene products of corticosteroid action in hippocampus.

Relative contributions of pituitary-adrenal hormones to the ontogeny of behavioral inhibition in the rat.

Changes in serum lipid, lipoprotein and corticosterone concentrations during neonatal chick development.

Chronic corticosterone treatment-induced ultrastructural changes at rat neuromuscular junction.

Selection of foods by broiler chickens following corticosterone administration.

Development of steroid-receptor systems in guinea pig brain. II. Cytoplasmic progestin receptors.

Glucocorticoid toxicity in the hippocampus: temporal aspects of neuronal vulnerability.

Prolonged glucocorticoid exposure reduces hippocampal neuron number: implications for aging.

Ginsenoside RG1 and corticosteroid receptors in rat brain.

Ontogeny of type I and type II corticosteroid receptors in the rat hippocampus.

The effects of stress on plasma ACTH and corticosterone in young and aging pregnant rats and their fetuses.

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in elderly endurance athletes.

Conditioned neuroendocrine and cardiovascular stress responsiveness accompanying behavioral passivity and activity in aged and in young rats.