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Carbonic anhydrase 2 (EC (Carbonate dehydratase II) (Carbonic anhydrase C) (CAC) (Carbonic anhydrase II) (CA-II)


Maintaining Aging Hippocampal Function with Safe and Feasible Shaking Exercise in SAMP10 Mice.

One-year Follow-up Study of Hippocampal Subfield Atrophy in Alzheimer's Disease and Normal Aging.

Maturation of PNN and ErbB4 Signaling in Area CA2 during Adolescence Underlies the Emergence of PV Interneuron Plasticity and Social Memory.

Early disruption of parvalbumin expression and perineuronal nets in the hippocampus of the Tg2576 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease can be rescued by enriched environment.

Protracted hippocampal development is associated with age-related improvements in memory during early childhood.

Neurodevelopment and behavior in neonatal OXYS rats with genetically determined accelerated senescence.

Effect of Chronic Administration of Resveratrol on Cognitive Performance during Aging Process in Rats.

{{medline-entry |title=Time of day but not aging regulates 5-HT receptor binding sites in the hamster hippocampus. |pubmed-url= |abstract=Activation of 5-HT receptors influences memory as well as circadian rhythms and other processes. This study investigated the regulation of the 5-HT receptors in the hippocampus, a likely substrate for the effects of 5-HT receptor compounds on memory. Because endogenous serotonin release is higher during the active phase, and chronic treatment with a serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitor down-regulates 5-HT receptors, we hypothesized that 5-HT receptors exhibit 24-h variations. We also hypothesized that aging decreases 5-HT receptors in the hippocampus, as it does in the dorsal raphe nucleus, a brain site for serotonergic resetting of circadian rhythms. Male hamsters (young, 3-5 mos; old, 17-21 mos) exposed to a light:dark cycle were euthanized at 4 times of day (zeitgeber times [ZT]1, 6, 13,