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Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 1 precursor (LAMP-1) (Lysosome-associated membrane protein 1) (CD107 antigen-like family member A) (CD107a antigen)


Resemblance and differences in dietary restriction nephroprotective mechanisms in young and old rats.

An In-Vitro Cell Model of Intracellular Protein Aggregation Provides Insights into RPE Stress Associated with Retinopathy.

Differential accumulation of storage bodies with aging defines discrete subsets of microglia in the healthy brain.

Yishen Huazhuo Decoction Induces Autophagy to Promote the Clearance of Aβ1-42 in SAMP8 Mice: Mechanism Research of a Traditional Chinese Formula Against Alzheimer's Disease.

Dysregulations of mitochondrial quality control and autophagic flux at an early age lead to progression of sarcopenia in SAMP8 mice.

Deacetylation of LAMP1 drives lipophagy-dependent generation of free fatty acids by Abrus agglutinin to promote senescence in prostate cancer.

A pH probe inhibits senescence in mesenchymal stem cells.

Alterations in Corneal Sensory Nerves During Homeostasis, Aging, and After Injury in Mice Lacking the Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan Syndecan-1.

Photoreceptor phagosome processing defects and disturbed autophagy in retinal pigment epithelium of Cln3Δex1-6 mice modelling juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (Batten disease).