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Estrogen receptor (ER) (ER-alpha) (Estradiol receptor) (Nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group A member 1) [ESR] [NR3A1]


Menopause and adipose tissue: miR-19a-3p is sensitive to hormonal replacement.

Inter-Regional Variations in Gene Expression and Age-Related Cortical Thinning in the Adolescent Brain.

Age- and menopause-related differences in subcutaneous adipose tissue estrogen receptor mRNA expression.

Association of PvuII and XbaI polymorphisms on estrogen receptor alpha (ESR1) gene to changes into serum lipid profile of post-menopausal women: Effects of aging, body mass index and breast cancer incidence.

Differential roles of estrogen receptors, ESR1 and ESR2, in adult rat spermatogenesis.

Brain volumes in late life: gender, hormone treatment, and estrogen receptor variants.

Prospective analysis of the association between estrogen receptor gene variants and the risk of cognitive decline in elderly women.

Estrogen receptor alpha single nucleotide polymorphism as predictor of diabetes type 2 risk in hypogonadal men.

Oestrogen alpha-receptor variant and two-year memory decline in midlife Australian women.

Association of CYP19 and ESR1 pleiotropic genes with human longevity.

The -351A/G polymorphism of ESR1 is associated with risk of myocardial infarction but not with extreme longevity.

Age- and cell-related gene expression of aromatase and estrogen receptors in the rat testis.

Gene expression profiling of the short-term adaptive response to acute caloric restriction in liver and adipose tissues of pigs differing in feed efficiency.

Methylation of estrogen receptor 1 in colorectal adenomas is not age-dependent, but is correlated with K-ras mutation.

Developmental programming: prenatal androgen excess disrupts ovarian steroid receptor balance.

Age-related methylation in normal colon mucosa differs between the proximal and distal colon in patients who underwent colonoscopy.

Genetic variation in sex hormone genes influences heel ultrasound parameters in middle-aged and elderly men: results from the European Male Aging Study (EMAS).

A digenic combination of polymorphisms within ESR1 and ESR2 genes are associated with age at menarche in the Spanish population.

Polymorphisms in the estrogen receptor alpha gene and endothelial function in resistance and conduit arteries in the elderly.

Estrogen receptor genotype and risk of cognitive impairment in elders: findings from the Health ABC study.

Aging impacts transcriptomes but not genomes of hormone-dependent breast cancers.

Age-related DNA methylation changes in normal human prostate tissues.

Genotype-environment interactions: cognitive aging and social factors.

Age-related changes in echocardiographic measurements: association with variation in the estrogen receptor-alpha gene.

Ontogeny of androgen and estrogen receptor expression in porcine testis: effect of reducing testicular estrogen synthesis.

Menstrual cycle markers of ovarian aging and sex steroid hormone genotypes.

Methylation of the ESR1 CpG island in the colorectal mucosa is an 'all or nothing' process in healthy human colon, and is accelerated by dietary folate supplementation in the mouse.

Age-dependent methylation of ESR1 gene in prostate cancer.