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X-box-binding protein 1 (XBP-1) (Tax-responsive element-binding protein 5) (TREB-5) [Contains: X-box-binding protein 1, cytoplasmic form; X-box-binding protein 1, luminal form] [TREB5] [XBP2]


Age-dependent impairment of adipose-derived stem cells isolated from horses.

White Matter Abnormalities Linked to Interferon, Stress Response, and Energy Metabolism Gene Expression Changes in Older HIV-Positive Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy.

Effects of a resistance-training programme on endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response and mitochondrial functions in PBMCs from elderly subjects.

[Protective effect of Wuzi Yanzong recipe on testicular germ cell apoptosis in natural ageing rats through endoplasmic reticulum stress].

Protective effect of Wuzi Yanzong recipe on testicular dysfunction through inhibition of germ cell apoptosis in ageing rats via endoplasmic reticulum stress.

Loss of XBP1 accelerates age-related decline in retinal function and neurodegeneration.

A decay of the adaptive capacity of the unfolded protein response exacerbates Alzheimer's disease.

Amyloid-β42 clearance and neuroprotection mediated by X-box binding protein 1 signaling decline with aging in the Drosophila brain.

Ageing sensitized by iPLA β deficiency induces liver fibrosis and intestinal atrophy involving suppression of homeostatic genes and alteration of intestinal lipids and bile acids.

ER stress and distinct outputs of the IRE1α RNase control proliferation and senescence in response to oncogenic Ras.

Genome-wide expression analyses of the stationary phase model of ageing in yeast.

Xbp1 directs global repression of budding yeast transcription during the transition to quiescence and is important for the longevity and reversibility of the quiescent state.

Characterization of global gene expression during assurance of lifespan extension by caloric restriction in budding yeast.