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Transforming growth factor beta-1 proprotein precursor [Contains: Latency-associated peptide (LAP); Transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-beta-1)] [TGFB]


Different expression of Defensin-B gene in the endometrium of mares of different age during the breeding season.

TGFB1-Mediated Gliosis in Multiple Sclerosis Spinal Cords Is Favored by the Regionalized Expression of HOXA5 and the Age-Dependent Decline in Androgen Receptor Ligands.

Proteomic Alterations Associated with Biomechanical Dysfunction are Early Processes in the Emilin1 Deficient Mouse Model of Aortic Valve Disease.

Seminal plasma transforming growth factor-β, activin A and follistatin fluctuate within men over time.

No Association between Variation in Longevity Candidate Genes and Aging-related Phenotypes in Oldest-old Danes.