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Next to BRCA1 gene 1 protein (Cell migration-inducing gene 19 protein) (Membrane component chromosome 17 surface marker 2) (Neighbor of BRCA1 gene 1 protein) (Protein 1A1-3B) [1A13B] [KIAA0049] [M17S2] [MIG19]


Autophagy receptor OPTN (optineurin) regulates mesenchymal stem cell fate and bone-fat balance during aging by clearing FABP3.

New insights into AtNBR1 as a selective autophagy cargo receptor in Arabidopsis.

SQSTM1/p62 and PPARGC1A/PGC-1alpha at the interface of autophagy and vascular senescence.

Nrf2 mediates the expression of BAG3 and autophagy cargo adaptor proteins and tau clearance in an age-dependent manner.

Overweight in elderly people induces impaired autophagy in skeletal muscle.