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Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs) (Protein pp110) [HRS]


Handgrip strength asymmetry is associated with future falls in older Americans.

Examining Additional Aspects of Muscle Function with a Digital Handgrip Dynamometer and Accelerometer in Older Adults: A Pilot Study.

The Relationship between Muscular Strength and Depression in Older Adults with Chronic Disease Comorbidity.

Handgrip Strength in the Korean Population: Normative Data and Cutoff Values.

Handgrip Strength Asymmetry and Weakness Are Associated with Lower Cognitive Function: A Panel Study.

Handgrip Strength Asymmetry and Weakness are Differentially Associated with Functional Limitations in Older Americans.

Physical performances show conflicting associations in aged manual workers.

Absolute and Body Mass Index Normalized Handgrip Strength Percentiles by Gender, Ethnicity, and Hand Dominance in Americans.

Hand grip strength variability during serial testing as an entropic biomarker of aging: a Poincaré plot analysis.

Physical Activity and Fitness in White- and Blue-Collar Retired Men.

Association between Hand Grip Strength and Self-Rated Health in Middle- and Old-Aged Korean Citizens.

Weakness May Have a Causal Association With Early Mortality in Older Americans: A Matched Cohort Analysis.

Associations Between Dietary Patterns and Handgrip Strength: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2014-2016.

Effect of relative handgrip strength on cardiovascular disease among Korean adults aged 45 years and older: Results from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (2006-2016).

Weakness and cognitive impairment are independently and jointly associated with functional decline in aging Americans.

Association of phase angle with sarcopenia and its components in physically active older women.

The Copenhagen Sarcopenia Study: lean mass, strength, power, and physical function in a Danish cohort aged 20-93 years.

Age- and sex-related differences in muscle strength and physical performance in older Chinese.

Decreased Handgrip Strength is Associated With Impairments in Each Autonomous Living Task for Aging Adults in the United States.

The impact of muscle function, muscle mass and sarcopenia on independent ageing in very old Swedish men.

Nutritional status of older patients on hemodialysis: Which nutritional markers can best predict clinical outcomes?

Handgrip strength, depression, and all-cause mortality in Korean older adults.

Handgrip Strength of World Trade Center (WTC) Responders: The Role of Re-Experiencing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Symptoms.

Vitamin D is related to handgrip strength in adult men aged 50 years and over: A population study from the TCLSIH cohort study.

Reference data on hand grip and lower limb strength using the Nintendo Wii balance board: a cross-sectional study of 354 subjects from 20 to 99 years of age.

Determining functional activity profiles in patients with upper extremity disorders: is there effect modification by hand-grip strength?

Hand grip strength as a physical biomarker of aging from the perspective of a Fibonacci mathematical modeling.

Body image satisfaction, sociodemographic, functional and clinical aspects of community-dwelling older adults.

Orthostatic hypotension and physical functioning in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Inverse relationship between serum hsCRP concentration and hand grip strength in older adults: a nationwide population-based study.

Association of Anthropometric and Nutrition Status Indicators with Hand Grip Strength and Gait Speed in Older Adults.

Handgrip Strength and Health in Aging Adults.

Hand grip strength as a predictor of postoperative complications in esophageal cancer patients undergoing esophagectomy.

Age-related declines in the swallowing muscle strength of men and women aged 20-89 years: A cross-sectional study on tongue pressure and jaw-opening force in 980 subjects.

{{medline-entry |title=Association between handgrip strength, balance, and knee flexion/extension strength in older adults. |pubmed-url=https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29856802 |abstract=The objective of the study was to examine the association between handgrip strength (HGS), knee flexion and extension strength, and static and dynamic balance in older women. One hundred and ten women with a mean age of 67.4±5.9 years were assessed for dynamic postural balance using the Time Up