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Dual specificity tyrosine-phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A (EC (Dual specificity YAK1-related kinase) (HP86) (Protein kinase minibrain homolog) (MNBH) (hMNB) [DYRK] [MNB] [MNBH]


Altered age-linked regulation of plasma DYRK1A in elderly cognitive complainers (INSIGHT-preAD study) with high brain amyloid load.

Normalizing the gene dosage of Dyrk1A in a mouse model of Down syndrome rescues several Alzheimer's disease phenotypes.

The protein kinase MBK-1 contributes to lifespan extension in [i]daf-2[/i] mutant and germline-deficient [i]Caenorhabditis elegans[/i].

Low dose EGCG treatment beginning in adolescence does not improve cognitive impairment in a Down syndrome mouse model.