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Cytochrome P450 2B6 (EC 1.14.13.-) (1,4-cineole 2-exo-monooxygenase) (CYPIIB6) (Cytochrome P450 IIB1)


Developmental Expression of CYP2B6: A Comprehensive Analysis of mRNA Expression, Protein Content and Bupropion Hydroxylase Activity and the Impact of Genetic Variation.

Bupropion for major depressive disorder: Pharmacokinetic and formulation considerations.

Cytochrome P450 3A and 2B6 in the developing kidney: implications for ifosfamide nephrotoxicity.

The effects of gender, age, ethnicity, and liver cirrhosis on cytochrome P450 enzyme activity in human liver microsomes and inducibility in cultured human hepatocytes.