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Cell division control protein 42 homolog precursor (EC (G25K GTP-binding protein)


Effects of age-dependent changes in cell size on endothelial cell proliferation and senescence through YAP1.

Re-exploring the core genes and modules in the human frontal cortex during chronological aging: insights from network-based analysis of transcriptomic studies.

The relationship between reproductive and biochemical ageing at the time of the menopausal transition.

Senescent cells communicate via intercellular protein transfer.

A crucial role for CDC42 in senescence-associated inflammation and atherosclerosis.

LOX-1 in the maintenance of cytoskeleton and proliferation in senescent cardiac fibroblasts.

Gene expression profiles associated with aging and mortality in humans.

Expression of 25 high egg production related transcripts that identified from hypothalamus and pituitary gland in red-feather Taiwan country chickens.