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CD59 glycoprotein precursor (1F5 antigen) (20 kDa homologous restriction factor) (HRF-20) (HRF20) (MAC-inhibitory protein) (MAC-IP) (MEM43 antigen) (Membrane attack complex inhibition factor) (MACIF) (Membrane inhibitor of reactive lysis) (MIRL) (Protectin) (CD59 antigen) [MIC11] [MIN1] [MIN2] [MIN3] [MSK21]


Red Blood Cell Homeostasis and Altered Vesicle Formation in Patients With Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria.

Complement factor H deficiency results in decreased neuroretinal expression of Cd59a in aged mice.

Genetic variation in complement regulators and susceptibility to age-related macular degeneration.

Evaluation of adenovirus-delivered human CD59 as a potential therapy for AMD in a model of human membrane attack complex formation on murine RPE.

Distribution of complement anaphylatoxin receptors and membrane-bound regulators in normal human retina.

Effects of plastic-adherent dermal multipotent cells on peripheral blood leukocytes and CFU-GM in rats.

A functional role for corpora amylacea based on evidence from complement studies.

Complement regulatory proteins in early human fetal life: CD59, membrane co-factor protein (MCP) and decay-accelerating factor (DAF) are differentially expressed in the developing liver.