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C-C chemokine receptor type 5 (C-C CKR-5) (CC-CKR-5) (CCR-5) (CCR5) (CHEMR13) (HIV-1 fusion coreceptor) (CD195 antigen) [CMKBR5]


The Puzzling Role of Neuron-Specific PMCA Isoforms in the Aging Process.

[Enhancement can do harm].

CCR5-∆32 is deleterious in the homozygous state in humans.

CCR5 chemokine receptor gene polymorphisms in ocular toxoplasmosis.

Peripheral loss of CD8( ) CD161( ) TCRVα7·2( ) mucosal-associated invariant T cells in chronic hepatitis C virus-infected patients.

Increased susceptibility of CD4 T cells from elderly individuals to HIV-1 infection and apoptosis is associated with reduced CD4 and enhanced CXCR4 and FAS surface expression levels.

Aging-associated subpopulations of human CD8 T-lymphocytes identified by their CD28 and CD57 phenotypes.

Cutting edge: Central memory CD8 T cells in aged mice are virtual memory cells.

[[[CCR5]], CCR2, apoe, p53, ITGB3 and HFE gene polymorphism in Western Siberia long-livers].

Chemokine and chemokine receptors: a comparative study between metastatic and nonmetastatic lymph nodes in breast cancer patients.

Marked differences in CCR5 expression and activation levels in two South African populations.

Distribution of functional polymorphic variants of inflammation-related genes RANTES and CCR5 in long-lived individuals.

Immunogenetics of ageing.

Mechanisms of spatial and temporal development of autoimmune vitiligo in tyrosinase-specific TCR transgenic mice.

Fat-storing multilocular cells expressing CCR5 increase in the thymus with advancing age: potential role for CCR5 ligands on the differentiation and migration of preadipocytes.

TH1 and TH2 cell polarization increases with aging and is modulated by zinc supplementation.

CCR5 receptor: biologic and genetic implications in age-related diseases.

CCL4 protects from type 1 diabetes by altering islet beta-cell-targeted inflammatory responses.

Aging sensitizes mice to behavioral deficits induced by central HIV-1 gp120.

Generation and growth of CD28nullCD8 memory T cells mediated by IL-15 and its induced cytokines.

Effect of improved zinc status on T helper cell activation and TH1/TH2 ratio in healthy elderly individuals.

Opposite role of pro-inflammatory alleles in acute myocardial infarction and longevity: results of studies performed in a Sicilian population.

Induction of RANTES and CCR5 through NF-kappaB activation via MAPK pathway in aged rat gingival tissues.

[Functional polymorphism of p53 and CCR5 genes in the long-lived of the Siberian region].

Effects of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection on CCR5 and CXCR4 coreceptor expression on CD4 T lymphocyte subsets in infants and adolescents.

Age-related immune dysfunction in health and in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease: association of age and HIV infection with naive CD8 cell depletion, reduced expression of CD28 on CD8 cells, and reduced thymic volumes.

Limited protective effect of the CCR5Delta32/CCR5Delta32 genotype on human immunodeficiency virus infection incidence in a cohort of patients with hemophilia and selection for genotypic X4 virus.

RANTES and MIP-1alpha production by T lymphocytes, monocytes and NK cells from nonagenarian subjects.