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C-C chemokine receptor type 2 (C-C CKR-2) (CC-CKR-2) (CCR-2) (CCR2) (Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 receptor) (MCP-1-R) (CD192 antigen) [CMKBR2]


Hip Fracture Leads to Transitory Immune Imprint in Older Patients.

The CC-chemokine receptor 2 is involved in the control of ovarian folliculogenesis and fertility lifespan in mice.

Deficit of resolution receptor magnifies inflammatory leukocyte directed cardiorenal and endothelial dysfunction with signs of cardiomyopathy of obesity.

Tet2-mediated clonal hematopoiesis in nonconditioned mice accelerates age-associated cardiac dysfunction.

Inflammation and Ectopic Fat Deposition in the Aging Murine Liver Is Influenced by CCR2.

Klotho-mediated targeting of CCL2 suppresses the induction of colorectal cancer progression by stromal cell senescent microenvironments.

Aging induces cardiac mesenchymal stromal cell senescence and promotes endothelial cell fate of the CD90   subset.

Commensal bacteria contribute to insulin resistance in aging by activating innate B1a cells.

Persistent Infiltration and Impaired Response of Peripherally-Derived Monocytes after Traumatic Brain Injury in the Aged Brain.

Cryopreserved whole blood for the quantification of monocyte, T-cell and NK-cell subsets, and monocyte receptor expression by multi-color flow cytometry: A methodological study based on participants from the canadian longitudinal study on aging.

Inhibition of Radiation-Induced Ccl2 Signaling Protects Lungs from Vascular Dysfunction and Endothelial Cell Loss.

Attenuated Macrophage Infiltration in Glomeruli of Aged Mice Resulting in Ameliorated Kidney Injury in Nephrotoxic Serum Nephritis.

Distinct Functions of Senescence-Associated Immune Responses in Liver Tumor Surveillance and Tumor Progression.

Absence of CCR2 results in an inflammaging environment in young mice with age-independent impairments in muscle regeneration.

Long-lived self-renewing bone marrow-derived macrophages displace embryo-derived cells to inhabit adult serous cavities.

Age exacerbates the CCR2/5-mediated neuroinflammatory response to traumatic brain injury.

Enhanced Ccl2-Ccr2 signaling drives more severe choroidal neovascularization with aging.

Alterations in Monocyte Phenotypes and Functions after a Hip Fracture in Elderly Individuals: A 6-Month Longitudinal Study.

TNF Drives Monocyte Dysfunction with Age and Results in Impaired Anti-pneumococcal Immunity.

Senescent dermal fibroblasts enhance stem cell migration through CCL2/CCR2 axis.

Differential expression of monocyte surface markers among TB patients with diabetes co-morbidity.

[[[CCR5]], CCR2, apoe, p53, ITGB3 and HFE gene polymorphism in Western Siberia long-livers].