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Cholecystokinin precursor (CCK) [Contains: Cholecystokinin-58 (CCK58); Cholecystokinin-58 desnonopeptide ((1-49)-CCK58); Cholecystokinin-39 (CCK39); Cholecystokinin-33 (CCK33); Cholecystokinin-25 (CCK25); Cholecystokinin-18 (CCK18); Cholecystokinin-12 (CCK12); Cholecystokinin-8 (CCK8); Cholecystokinin-7 (CCK7); Cholecystokinin-5 (CCK5)]


Senolytic agent Quercetin ameliorates intervertebral disc degeneration via the Nrf2/NF-κB axis.

Astragalus improve aging bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) vitality and osteogenesis through VD-FGF23-Klotho axis.

Effects of Age on Acute Appetite-Related Responses to Whey-Protein Drinks, Including Energy Intake, Gastric Emptying, Blood Glucose, and Plasma Gut Hormone Concentrations-A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Lactose induced redox-dependent senescence and activated Nrf2 pathway.

Quercetin Suppresses the Progression of Atherosclerosis by Regulating MST1-Mediated Autophagy in ox-LDL-Induced RAW264.7 Macrophage Foam Cells.

LncRNA AW112010 Promotes Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Hair Cell Survival: Implications for Age-Related Hearing Loss.

Effects of age on feeding response: Focus on the rostral C1 neuron and its glucoregulatory proteins.

Ser-Tyr and Asn-Ala, vasorelaxing dipeptides found by comprehensive screening, reduce blood pressure via different age-dependent mechanisms.

Fisetin, via CKIP-1/REGγ, limits oxidized LDL-induced lipid accumulation and senescence in RAW264.7 macrophage-derived foam cells.

[Ginsenoside Rg_1 induces leukemia stem cell senescence via SIRT1/TSC_2 signal axis].

Chromatin remodeling factor BAZ1A regulates cellular senescence in both cancer and normal cells.

Circular RNA expression profile in human fibroblast premature senescence after repeated ultraviolet B irradiations revealed by microarray.

Long non-coding RNA-OIS1 inhibits HPV-positive, but not HPV-negative cervical squamous cell carcinoma by upregulating MTK-1.

Ubiquinol-cytochrome C reductase core protein II promotes tumorigenesis by facilitating p53 degradation.

MiR-34a Enhances Chondrocyte Apoptosis, Senescence and Facilitates Development of Osteoarthritis by Targeting DLL1 and Regulating PI3K/AKT Pathway.

Inhibition of glioma growth by flavokawain B is mediated through endoplasmic reticulum stress induced autophagy.

Apelin/APJ axis improves angiotensin II-induced endothelial cell senescence through AMPK/SIRT1 signaling pathway.

Osthole Delays Tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide-Induced Premature Senescence in Neural Stem Cells.

N-Cadherin Attenuates High Glucose-Induced Nucleus Pulposus Cell Senescence Through Regulation of the ROS/NF-κB Pathway.

Localization of cholecystokinin in the zebrafish retina from larval to adult stage.

Glutamate-dependent regulation of food intake is altered with age through changes in NMDA receptor phenotypes on vagal afferent neurons.

Effects of Substitution, and Adding of Carbohydrate and Fat to Whey-Protein on Energy Intake, Appetite, Gastric Emptying, Glucose, Insulin, Ghrelin, CCK and GLP-1 in Healthy Older Men-A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Effect of Age on Blood Glucose and Plasma Insulin, Glucagon, Ghrelin, CCK, GIP, and GLP-1 Responses to Whey Protein Ingestion.

Triptolide Promotes Senescence of Prostate Cancer Cells Through Histone Methylation and Heterochromatin Formation

[Effects of ginseng, notoginseng, and Chuanxiong Rhizoma extracts on cytoskeleton protein of replicative senescence vascular smooth muscle cells].

[Inula Britannica flower total flavonoids reduces the apoptosis of aging bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells by anti-oxidation].

[The mechanism of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells excessive senescence in severe aplastic anemia mouse model].

Overexpression of miR-584-5p inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis by targeting WW domain-containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 in gastric cancer.

Molecular mechanism of G arrest and cellular senescence induced by LEE011, a novel CDK4/CDK6 inhibitor, in leukemia cells.

Exogenous H2S contributes to recovery of ischemic post-conditioning-induced cardioprotection by decrease of ROS level via down-regulation of NF-κB and JAK2-STAT3 pathways in the aging cardiomyocytes.

Resveratrol attenuates senescence of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells and restores their paracrine effects on promoting insulin secretion of INS-1 cells through Pim-1.

Cholecystokinin expression in the β-cell leads to increased β-cell area in aged mice and protects from streptozotocin-induced diabetes and apoptosis.

Down-Regulated NRSN2 Promotes Cell Proliferation and Survival Through PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathway in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.

The positive effects of Ginsenoside Rg1 upon the hematopoietic microenvironment in a D-Galactose-induced aged rat model.

Exposure to a high fat diet during the perinatal period alters vagal motoneurone excitability, even in the absence of obesity.

Ionizing irradiation inhibits keloid fibroblast cell proliferation and induces premature cellular senescence.

Age and nutritional state influence the effects of cholecystokinin on energy balance.

Age-associated changes in pancreatic exocrine secretion of the isolated perfused rat pancreas.

Anorexic effect of peripheral cholecystokinin (CCK) varies with age and body composition (short communication).

Gastrointestinal hormones: the regulation of appetite and the anorexia of ageing.

Energy intake compensation after 3 weeks of restricted energy intake in young and elderly men.

Effects of nutritional supplementation on the appetite and energy intake responses to IV cholecystokinin in older adults.

Changes in food intake and its relationship to weight loss during advanced age.

Age-associated changes of appetite-regulating peptides.

Cholecystokinin: molecular cloning and immunohistochemical localization in the gastrointestinal tract of larval red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus (L.).

Altered pontine taste processing in a rat model of obesity.

Age-related alterations in Ca2 signals and mitochondrial membrane potential in exocrine cells are prevented by melatonin.

Independent ingestion and microstructure of feeding patterns in infant rats lacking CCK-1 receptors.

Sex-specific patterns of galanin, cholecystokinin, and substance P expression in neurons of the principal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis are differentially reflected within three efferent preoptic pathways in the juvenile rat.

Appetite, food intake, and plasma concentrations of cholecystokinin, ghrelin, and other gastrointestinal hormones in undernourished older women and well-nourished young and older women.

Weaning and feed intake alter pancreatic enzyme activities and corresponding mRNA levels in 7-d-old piglets.

Aging and panicogenic response to cholecystokinin tetrapeptide: an examination of the cholecystokinin system.

The anorexia of ageing.

Effects of aging and weaning on mRNA expression of leptin and CCK receptors in the calf rumen and abomasum.

Troglitazone stimulates pancreatic growth in normal rats.

Comparison of effects of cholecystokinin and erythromycin on bile chemistry and gallstone formation in aged guinea pigs.

Effect of exogenous cholecystokinin (CCK)-8 on food intake and plasma CCK, leptin, and insulin concentrations in older and young adults: evidence for increased CCK activity as a cause of the anorexia of aging.

Repeated treatment with cholecystokinin octapeptide improves maze performance in aged Fischer 344 rats.

Troglitazone stimulates pancreatic growth in congenitally CCK-A receptor-deficient OLETF rats.

Effect of aging on the modulation of macrophage functions by neuropeptides.

Structure and developmental expression of the mouse CCK-B receptor gene.

Neurohormonal responses to cholecystokinin tetrapeptide: a comparison of younger and older healthy subjects.

Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate formation, cytoplasmic calcium dynamics, and alpha-amylase secretion of pancreatic acini isolated from aged and chronically alcohol-fed rats.

Dietary soya beans and kidney beans stimulate secretion of cholecystokinin and pancreatic digestive enzymes in 400-day-old Hooded-Lister rats but only soya beans induce growth of the pancreas.

Postnatal development of intestinal endocrine cell populations in the water buffalo.

Peptide immunoreactivity in aged rat cortex and hippocampus as a function of memory and BDNF infusion.

Effects of aging and gastric lipolysis on gastric emptying of lipid in liquid meal.

Disruption of cholecystokinin (CCK)-B receptor gene did not modify bile or pancreatic secretion or pancreatic growth: a study in CCK-B receptor gene knockout mice.

Cholecystokinin A and B receptor mRNA expression in human pancreas.

Ageing and endocrine cells of human duodenum.

Cholecystokinin-B (CCK-B) receptor antagonists improve "aged" sleep: a new class of sleep modulators?

Effects of age on concentrations of plasma cholecystokinin, glucagon-like peptide 1, and peptide YY and their relation to appetite and pyloric motility.

Changes with age in the modulation of natural killer activity of murine leukocytes by gastrin-releasing peptide, neuropeptide Y and sulfated cholecystokinin octapeptide.

Changes with ageing in the modulation of murine lymphocyte chemotaxis by CCK-8S, GRP and NPY.

Signal transduction pathways associated with contraction during development of the feline gastric antrum.

Aging impairs release of central and peripheral cholecystokinin (CCK) in male but not in female rats.

Ceruletide improves event-related potential indicators of cognitive processing in young but not in elderly humans.

Effects of cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8) on food intake in adult and aged rats under different feeding conditions.

The effect of haloperidol on met-enkephalin, beta-endorphin, cholecystokinin and substance P in the pituitary, the hypothalamus and the striatum of rats during aging.

Role of cholecystokinin (CCK)-A receptor for pancreatic growth after weaning: a study in a new rat model without gene expression of the CCK-A receptor.

Increase in alpha-CGRP and GAP-43 in aged motoneurons: a study of peptides, growth factors, and ChAT mRNA in the lumbar spinal cord of senescent rats with symptoms of hindlimb incapacities.

Impaired release of cholecystokinin (CCK) from synaptosomes in old rats.

Developmental expression of the gastrin and cholecystokinin genes in rat colon.

Age, as well as cell turnover kinetics, regulates brain/gut repair.

Age-related changes in gallbladder contractility and cytoplasmic Ca2 concentration in the guinea pig.

Differential expression of A- and B-subtypes of cholecystokinin/gastrin receptors in the developing calf pancreas.

Surgery in the elderly: observations on the pathophysiology and treatment of cholelithiasis.

Exogenous cholecystokinin activates cFos expression in medullary but not hypothalamic neurons in neonatal rats.

Plasma secretin fluctuates in phase with periodic pancreatic secretion and the duodenal migrating myoelectric complex in calves.

Cholecystokinin neurons in the developing visual cortex of normal and dark reared rats. Comparison with other peptidergic populations.

Effects of GRF with or without a SRIF antiserum on GH, IGF-1, thyroxin, cholecystokinin, gastrin and metabolite concentrations in growing rats.

Gonadal steroid control of preprocholecystokinin mRNA expression in the limbic-hypothalamic circuit: comparison of adult with neonatal steroid treatments.

Development of the endocrine cells in the rat pancreatic and bile duct system.

Alterations in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid levels of neuropeptides in idiopathic senile anorexia.

Decreased tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA but not cholecystokinin mRNA in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area of aged rats.

Ontogeny of cholecystokinin satiety in rats.

Ontogeny of immunoreactive CCK, VIP and secretin in rat brain and gut.

Complete tyrosine-O-sulphation of gastrin in neonatal rat pancreas.

Effects of food deprivation, strain, diet and age on feeding responses of fowls to intravenous injections of cholecystokinin.

The development of motilin-like immunoreactivity in the rat cerebellum and pituitary as determined by radioimmunoassay.

Postnatal ontogeny of cholecystokinin receptors in rat brain.

Ontogeny of immunoreactive CCK and VIP in pig brain and gut.

Effect of aging on gallbladder contraction and release of cholecystokinin-33 in humans.

Dystrophic axons in the nucleus gracilis of the normal rat containing cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivity. Light- and electron-microscopic observations.

Developmental and regional changes of cholecystokinin mRNA in rat brains.

Expression of a cholecystokinin precursor-related peptide in vertebrate and invertebrate tissues.

Aging and pancreatic exocrine function: studies in conscious male rats.

Effect of gastrointestinal peptides on ingestion in old and young mice.

Immunocytochemical localization of cholecystokinin and glutamic acid decarboxylase during normal development in the prepyriform cortex of rats.

Development and age-related changes in pancreatic cholecystokinin receptors and duodenal cholecystokinin in guinea pigs.

Age-related changes in gallbladder contractility and gallbladder cholecystokinin receptor population in the guinea pig.

Postnatal development of cholecystokinin (CCK) binding sites in the rat forebrain and midbrain: an autoradiographic study.

Ultrastructural localization of immunoreactivity in the developing piriform cortex.

Ontogeny of cholecystokinin-8 and glutamic acid decarboxylase in cerebral neocortex of macaque monkey.

Cortical amino acid neurotransmitter release is altered by CCK perfused in frontal region of unrestrained aged rats.

Evidence for cholecystokinin-dopamine receptor interactions in the central nervous system of the adult and old rat. Studies on their functional meaning.

Postnatal development of cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivity and its mRNA level in rat brain regions.

Effects of trypsin inhibitor (camostate) on pancreas and CCK release in young and old female rats.

Cholecystokinin and vasoactive intestinal peptide in brain and gut of the hypothyroid neonatal rat.

Aging and pancreatic exocrine function. Studies in female conscious rats.

Ontogeny of cholecystokinin gene expression in the rat thalamus--a hybridization histochemical study.

Neuropeptides: animal behaviour and human psychopathology.

Effects of the CCK receptor antagonist L364,718 on pancreatic growth in adult and developing animals.

Maturation of cholecystokinin receptors in pancreatic acini of rats.

Abrogation of peripheral cholecystokinin-satiety in the capsaicin treated rat.

Procholecystokinin processing in rat cerebral cortex during development.

Neuropeptide-immunoreactive cells and fibers in the developing primate cerebellum.

Characterization of binding sites for VIP-related peptides and activation of adenylate cyclase in developing pancreas.

Age-related changes of beta-endorphin and cholecystokinin in human and rat mononuclear cells.

Changes in pancreatic exocrine secretion with age: pancreatic exocrine secretion does decrease in the elderly.

Ontogeny of cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivity in the Brazilian opossum brain.

Gastrin affects enzyme activity and gene expression in the aging rat pancreas.

Aging and the trophic effects of cholecystokinin, bombesin and pentagastrin on the rat pancreas.

Is aging preprogrammed? Observations from the brain/gut axis.

Alterations in brain cholecystokinin receptors in suicide victims.

Ontogenesis of cerebellar afferents identified by cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivity.

Expression, but failing maturation of procholecystokinin in cerebellum.

Early-life patterns of plasma gut regulatory peptide levels in calves. Effects of age, weaning and feeding.

Postprandial cholecystokinin secretion in elderly with protein-energy undernutrition.

Coactivation of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors increases the affinity of cholecystokinin-8 receptors in membranes from post-mortem human caudate-putamen.

Age-related differences of cholecystokinin receptor binding in the rat brain.

Brain cholecystokinin and nutritional status in rats and mice.