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AH receptor-interacting protein (AIP) (Aryl-hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein) (HBV X-associated protein 2) (XAP-2) (Immunophilin homolog ARA9) [XAP2]


CCN3 Signaling Is Differently Regulated in Placental Diseases Preeclampsia and Abnormally Invasive Placenta.

[Aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (AIP) in human dermis during aging.]

Sex-Specific Association between Serum Vitamin D Status and Lipid Profiles: A Cross-Sectional Study of a Middle-Aged and Elderly Chinese Population.

The oblique effect: The relationship between profiles of visuospatial preference, cognition, and brain connectomics in older adults.

A logic of choice: Problematizing the documentary reality of Canadian aging in place policies.

Enhanced basal late sodium current appears to underlie the age-related prolongation of action potential duration in guinea pig ventricular myocytes.

Building IoT Services for Aging in Place Using Standard-Based IoT Platforms and Heterogeneous IoT Products.

Atherogenic Indices Are Increased in Elderly Patients with Unipolar Depression-Case-Control Analysis.

Feline hypersomatotropism and acromegaly tumorigenesis: a potential role for the AIP gene.

Digital Clock Drawing: differentiating "thinking" versus "doing" in younger and older adults with depression.

The continued success of registered nurse care coordination in a state evaluation of aging in place in senior housing.

Associations between vascular risk and mood in euthymic older adults: preliminary findings.

Aging in place versus nursing home care: comparison of costs to Medicare and Medicaid.

Proteasomal adaptation to environmental stress links resistance to proteotoxicity with longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Influence of age and gender on the clinical expression of acute intermittent porphyria based on molecular study of porphobilinogen deaminase gene among Swiss patients.

Developmental change in activity of red cell porphobilinogen deaminase and its electrophoretic variant in the Japanese population.

[Bone mineral density of lumbar spine and its relations to biological and lifestyle factors in middle-aged and aged Japanese women (Part 2). Effects of age and menopause on bone mineral density evaluated by biochemical markers of bone metabolism].