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CCN family member 3 precursor (Cellular communication network factor 3) (Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 9) (IBP-9) (IGF-binding protein 9) (IGFBP-9) (Nephro blastoma-overexpressed gene protein homolog) (Protein NOV homolog) (NovH) [IGFBP9] [NOV] [NOVH]


CCN3 Signaling Is Differently Regulated in Placental Diseases Preeclampsia and Abnormally Invasive Placenta.

CCN3 (NOV) Drives Degradative Changes in Aging Articular Cartilage.

CCN1 (CYR61) and CCN3 (NOV) signaling drives human trophoblast cells into senescence and stimulates migration properties.

Impaired intervertebral disc development and premature disc degeneration in mice with notochord-specific deletion of CCN2.