Science fantasy: различия между версиями

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Версия от 16:16, 14 ноября 2020

Science fantasy is a sub-genre of speculative fiction and fantasy in general.


Science Fantasy (or Sci-fantasy), is normally considered a bastardized genre blending elements of science fiction and fantasy; it is usually colorful and often bizarre, sometimes with elements of Horror although never centrally in the horror genre.[1] While other genres cross some elements with this, it is arguably biopunk which most of all crosses with sci-fantasy.

As a result, serious transhumanist thought avoids referencing non-scientific fantasy tropes as a reference point to projected futures.

Subgenres for Fantasy

Key types of fantasy include:

  • Low fantasy[2] - Connected somehow with our real world but limited down the fanatical elements for a mundane setting.
  • High fantasy[3] - An internally consistent, but more separate universe with differing laws of nature, used more magic as plot device and even some more fantasy creatures will involve into an everyday setting.
  • Historical Fantasy[4] - Where take places in past but also contain fantastic elements only exclusively for that time period.
  • Urban Fantasy[5] - Where the fantastic narrative has an urban setting because it seems that stories with said setting are distinct enough to warrant their own sub-subgenre.

Subgenres for Sci-fantasy

Key types of Sci-fantasy include:

  • Magical realism[6][7] - Can take some liberties to adding fantastic elements, while retaining realistic part of story.
  • Dying Earth[8] - In far-future, their way can evolve in someway to create its own fantasy.
  • (Post-)Apocalyptic[9] - Some stories will maybe added fantasy as lost form of "technology".
  • Planetary Romance[10] - Which the bulk of the action consists of adventures on one or more exotic alien planets, characterized by distinctive physical and cultural backgrounds.
  • Sword and planet[11] - That features rousing adventure stories set on other planets, and usually featuring Earthmen as protagonists.
  • Cyberpunk or "Cyberfantasy" - Which a Cyberpunk setting that has unintentional fantasy elements incorporated into their stories.
  • Steampunk or 'Gaslamp fantasy'[12][13][14] - Generally speaking, this particular realm of steampunk, sci-fantasy and historical fantasy employs either a Victorian or Edwardian setting that combines with fantasy into mix.
  • Biopunk or "Biotechnofantasy" - Which a Biopunk setting that fused Biotechnology and Magic or any fantastical ideas in the same setting (example like Biotechnology will be mostly explaining magic part)

Parallels can be drawn between more realistic transhumanist technologies through to highly speculative future posthuman scenarios.


  • BioShock - Plasmids/Vigors look and function very much like magical spells rather than being seriously science-based
  • Steven Universe - initially urban fantasy, later episodes of the series, however, explores how Gems, especially Earth's gems biology were made through a non-specific bio-engineering process with AI to control their mental states.
  • The Matrix - Despite whole film series is want to be pure Sci-fi Cyberpunk, Itself can't be immune from having some fantasy elements (and including third/final movie of series) due of films inspirations were from religious mythologies like Christianity (especially Messianism), Buddhism, Judaism, Vedanta sect from Hinduism and Gnosticism.[15]
  • Star Wars - Franchise is a contrast to Star Trek "Hard" Sci-fiction with like most famous examples like Jedis and Siths (Wizards and Darker version of Wizards) and Force is universe's magic while containing mostly Sci-fiction setting.
  • Warhammer 40.000

See Also

External links
