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Period circadian protein homolog 2 (hPER2) (Circadian clock protein PERIOD 2) [KIAA0347]


NAD Controls Circadian Reprogramming through PER2 Nuclear Translocation to Counter Aging.

The protective effect of cycloastragenol on aging mouse circadian rhythmic disorder induced by d-galactose.

Investigating circadian clock gene expression in human tendon biopsies from acute exercise and immobilization studies.

Is the aging human ovary still ticking?: Expression of clock-genes in luteinized granulosa cells of young and older women.

Ontogeny of Circadian Rhythms and Synchrony in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus.

Differential menopause- versus aging-induced changes in oxidative stress and circadian rhythm gene markers.

Negative reciprocal regulation between Sirt1 and Per2 modulates the circadian clock and aging.

Circadian Clock Control by Polyamine Levels through a Mechanism that Declines with Age.

Local receptors as novel regulators for peripheral clock expression.

SIRT1 mediates central circadian control in the SCN by a mechanism that decays with aging.

Aging-like circadian disturbances in folate-deficient mice.