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Matrix Gla protein precursor (MGP) (Cell growth-inhibiting gene 36 protein) [MGLAP] [GIG36]


Circulating Vitamin K Is Inversely Associated with Incident Cardiovascular Disease Risk among Those Treated for Hypertension in the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study (Health ABC).

Aging related methylation influences the gene expression of key control genes in colorectal cancer and adenoma.

[Bone metabolism and cardiovascular function update. Cross link of hypertension, bone loss and vascular calcification - common back grounds in renin angiotensin system with anti-aging aspect -].

Circulating uncarboxylated matrix Gla protein, a marker of vitamin K status, as a risk factor of cardiovascular disease.

Elastin haploinsufficiency impedes the progression of arterial calcification in MGP-deficient mice.