Low-density lipoprotein receptor class A domain-containing protein 4 [C18orf1]
Epigenetics of neuroinflammation: Immune response, inflammatory response and cholinergic synaptic involvement evidenced by genome-wide DNA methylation analysis of delirious inpatients.
Previously our study has shown that the DNA methylation (DNAm) levels at CpG sites in the pro-inflammatory cytokine gene, TNF-alpha, decrease along with aging, suggesting the potential role of DNAm in aging and heightened inflammatory process leading to increased risk for delirium. However, DNAm differences between delirium cases and non-delirium controls have not been investigated directly. Therefore, we examined genome-wide DNAm differences in blood between patients with delirium and controls to identify useful epigenetic biomarkers for delirium. Data from a total of 87 subjects (43 delirium cases) were analyzed by a genome-wide DNAm case-control association study. A genome-wide significant CpG site near the gene of LDLRAD4 was identified (p = 5.07E-8). In addition, over-representation analysis showed several significant pathways with a false discovery rate adjusted p-value < 0.05. The top pathway with a Gene Ontology term was immune response, and the second top pathway with a Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes term was cholinergic synapse. Significant DNAm differences related to immune/inflammatory response were shown both at gene and pathway levels between patients with delirium and non-delirium controls. This finding indicates that DNAm status in blood has the potential to be used as epigenetic biomarkers for delirium.
- Aging
- Delirium
- Genome-wide DNA methylation
- Immune response
- Inflammatory response