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Forkhead box protein N1 (Winged-helix transcription factor nude) [RONU] [WHN]


Thymic rejuvenation via FOXN1-reprogrammed embryonic fibroblasts (FREFs) to counteract age-related inflammation.

Role of Bone Marrow Maturity, Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Receptor, and Forkhead Box Protein N1 in Thymic Involution and Rejuvenation.

Foxn1 Is Dynamically Regulated in Thymic Epithelial Cells during Embryogenesis and at the Onset of Thymic Involution.

A deletion in FOXN1 is associated with a syndrome characterized by congenital hypotrichosis and short life expectancy in Birman cats.

Regeneration of the aged thymus by a single transcription factor.