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Four and a half LIM domains protein 2 (FHL-2) (LIM domain protein DRAL) (Skeletal muscle LIM-protein 3) (SLIM-3) [DRAL] [SLIM3]


Age prediction in living: Forensic epigenetic age estimation based on blood samples.

Age Estimation Based on DNA Methylation Using Blood Samples From Deceased Individuals.

Genetic associations with age of menopause in familial longevity.

DNA methylation of the ELOVL2, FHL2, KLF14, C1orf132/MIR29B2C, and TRIM59 genes for age prediction from blood, saliva, and buccal swab samples.

DNA methylation in ELOVL2 and C1orf132 correctly predicted chronological age of individuals from three disease groups.

Independent validation of DNA-based approaches for age prediction in blood.

Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis reveals hypomethylation in the low-CpG promoter regions in lymphoblastoid cell lines.

Systemic Age-Associated DNA Hypermethylation of ELOVL2 Gene: In Vivo and In Vitro Evidences of a Cell Replication Process.

Donor age and C1orf132/MIR29B2C determine age-related methylation signature of blood after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

Forensic age prediction for dead or living samples by use of methylation-sensitive high resolution melting.

Identification of common and differential mechanisms of glomerulus and tubule senescence in 24-month-old rats by quantitative LC-MS/MS.

Development of a methylation marker set for forensic age estimation using analysis of public methylation data and the Agena Bioscience EpiTYPER system.

Aging-associated DNA methylation changes in middle-aged individuals: the Young Finns study.

Development of a forensically useful age prediction method based on DNA methylation analysis.

Genome-wide age-related changes in DNA methylation and gene expression in human PBMCs.

Methylation of ELOVL2 gene as a new epigenetic marker of age.

Developmental evolution of the delayed rectifier current IKs in canine heart appears dependent on the beta subunit minK.