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Tyrosine-protein kinase Fes/Fps (EC (Feline sarcoma/Fujinami avian sarcoma oncogene homolog) (Proto-oncogene c-Fes) (Proto-oncogene c-Fps) (p93c-fes) [FPS]


An outpatient Tai Chi program: Effects on veterans' functional outcomes.

Gait Function in Adults Aged 50 Years and Older With Spina Bifida.

'Believe the positive' aggregation of fall risk assessment methods reduces the detection of risk of falling in older adults.

A Single Question as a Screening Tool to Assess Fear of Falling in Young-Old Community-Dwelling Persons.

Fall-related efficacy is a useful and independent index to detect fall risk in Japanese community-dwelling older people: a 1-year longitudinal study.

Investigating Changes in Real-time Conscious Postural Processing by Older Adults during Different Stance Positions Using Electroencephalography Coherence.

Effectiveness of Daily Use of Bilateral Custom-Made Ankle-Foot Orthoses on Balance, Fear of Falling, and Physical Activity in Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Decline in sensorimotor systems explains reduced falls self-efficacy.

Fear of Falling in Older Adults with Diabetes Mellitus: The IMIAS Study.

Cross-cultural adaptation and measurement properties testing of the Iconographical Falls Efficacy Scale (Icon-FES).

Binocular Vision Disorders and Visual Attention: Associations With Balance and Mobility in Older Adults.

Genome-wide methylation analysis reveals differentially methylated loci that are associated with an age-dependent increase in bovine fibroblast response to LPS.

FES in Europe and Beyond: Current Translational Research.

Use it or Lose It: Tonic Activity of Slow Motoneurons Promotes Their Survival and Preferentially Increases Slow Fiber-Type Groupings in Muscles of Old Lifelong Recreational Sportsmen.

Recovery from muscle weakness by exercise and FES: lessons from Masters, active or sedentary seniors and SCI patients.

Biology of Muscle Atrophy and of its Recovery by FES in Aging and Mobility Impairments: Roots and By-Products.

Balance Disorders in the Elderly: Does Instability Increase Over Time?

Age group classification and gender detection based on forced expiratory spirometry.

Is there a relationship between short FES-I test scores and objective assessment of balance in the older people with age-induced instability?

Age-associated declines in muscle mass, strength, power, and physical performance: impact on fear of falling and quality of life.

Effects of functional electric stimulation cycle ergometry training on lower limb musculature in acute sci individuals.

Concern about falling in older women with a history of falls: associations with health, functional ability, physical activity and quality of life.

Which factors are associated with fear of falling in community-dwelling older people?

The effects of aging and electrical stimulation exercise on bone after spinal cord injury.

Validation of the Iconographical Falls Efficacy Scale in cognitively impaired older people.

[A qualitative study of Falls Efficacy Scale-International/Hips. What do we measure?].

The Baby Boomers' intergenerational relationships.

Effects of fear of falling on muscular coactivation during walking.

Vulnerability in high-functioning persons aged 65 to 70 years: the importance of the fear factor.

Validation of the Falls Efficacy Scale and Falls Efficacy Scale International in geriatric patients with and without cognitive impairment: results of self-report and interview-based questionnaires.

Convergent and predictive validity of three scales related to falls in the elderly.

Prospective study of the impact of fear of falling on activities of daily living, SF-36 scores, and nursing home admission.