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ETS domain-containing transcription factor ERF (Ets2 repressor factor) (PE-2)


Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Gene D/I Polymorphism in Relation to Endothelial Function and Endothelial-Released Factors in Chinese Women.

Projections of Ambient Temperature- and Air Pollution-Related Mortality Burden Under Combined Climate Change and Population Aging Scenarios: a Review.

Exome Sequencing Analysis Identifies Rare Variants in [i]ATM[/i] and [i]RPL8[/i] That Are Associated With Shorter Telomere Length.

Extensive transcriptome changes during seasonal leaf senescence in field-grown black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Nisqually-1).

The ERF transcription factor EPI1 is a negative regulator of dark-induced and jasmonate-stimulated senescence in [i]Arabidopsis[/i].

Transcriptional regulation of Lonicera japonica Thunb. during flower development as revealed by comprehensive analysis of transcription factors.

Impact of Alternatively Polyadenylated Isoforms of ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR4 with Activator and Repressor Function on Senescence in [i]Arabidopsis thaliana[/i] L.

Transcriptome analysis of leaf senescence in red clover ([i]Trifolium pratense[/i] L.).

Molecular and functional characterization of ShNAC1, an NAC transcription factor from Solanum habrochaites.

Anti-aging properties of Ribes fasciculatum in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Event-related fields evoked by vocal response inhibition: a comparison of younger and older adults.

SlERF36, an EAR-motif-containing ERF gene from tomato, alters stomatal density and modulates photosynthesis and growth.

Taurine enhances the sexual response and mating ability in aged male rats.