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Emerin [EDMD] [STA]


Transcriptome analysis of human cumulus cells reveals hypoxia as the main determinant of follicular senescence.

Electromechanical delay of the knee extensor muscles: comparison among young, middle-age and older individuals.

The complexity of standing postural control in older adults: a modified detrended fluctuation analysis based upon the empirical mode decomposition algorithm.

Effect of gender, age, fatigue and contraction level on electromechanical delay.

Muscle strength and contractile kinetics of isometric elbow flexion in girls and women.

Age-related changes in twitch properties of plantar flexor muscles in prepubertal children.

Selective serotonin 5-HT2A receptor antagonist EMD 281014 improves delayed matching performance in young and aged rhesus monkeys.

Rapid eye movement density is reduced in the normal elderly.

Performance of papillary muscles from the aging spontaneously hypertensive rat: temporal changes in isometric contraction parameters.

The incidence of spontaneous tumors of the central nervous system of Wistar rats.