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Coatomer subunit epsilon (Epsilon-coat protein) (Epsilon-COP)


Patterns and characteristics of cognitive functioning in older patients approaching end stage kidney disease, the COPE-study.

Falls self-efficacy and falls incidence in community-dwelling older people: the mediating role of coping.

Does age moderate the effect of personality disorder on coping style in psychiatric inpatients?

Age differences in genetic and environmental variations in stress-coping during adulthood: a study of female twins.

Role of older adult's illness schemata in coping with mild cognitive impairment.

Predictors of depressive symptoms in older veterans with heart failure.

How older Hispanic immigrants in New York City cope with current traumatic stressors: practice implications.

The burden of distress in caregivers of elderly demented patients and its relationship with coping strategies.

Rural and urban caregivers for older adults in Poland: perceptions of positive and negative impact of caregiving.