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C-C motif chemokine 20 precursor (Beta-chemokine exodus-1) (CC chemokine LARC) (Liver and activation-regulated chemokine) (Macrophage inflammatory protein 3 alpha) (MIP-3-alpha) (Small-inducible cytokine A20) [Contains: CCL20(1-67); CCL20(1-64); CCL20(2-70)] [LARC] [MIP3A] [SCYA20]


Assessment of neuroinflammation in the aging hippocampus using large-molecule microdialysis: Sex differences and role of purinergic receptors.

p53 and p53-related mediators PAI-1 and IGFBP-3 are downregulated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of HIV-patients exposed to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors.

Effects of the Consumption of Milk Biofortified with Selenium, Vitamin E, and Different Fatty Acid Profile on Immune Response in the Elderly.

Human Monocyte Subsets Are Transcriptionally and Functionally Altered in Aging in Response to Pattern Recognition Receptor Agonists.

Interferon-gamma deficiency protects against aging-related goblet cell loss.

Age dependent changes in the LPS induced transcriptome of bovine dermal fibroblasts occurs without major changes in the methylome.

Dendritic cells from aged subjects contribute to chronic airway inflammation by activating bronchial epithelial cells under steady state.

Age-related T-cell cytokine profile parallels corneal disease severity in Sjogren's syndrome-like keratoconjunctivitis sicca in CD25KO mice.