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Protein bassoon (Zinc finger protein 231) [KIAA0434] [ZNF231]


Nurses' perspectives: hospitalized older patients and end-of-life decision-making.

Buddhist social networks and health in old age: A study in central Thailand.

Retaining the wisdom: Academic nurse leaders' reflections on extending the working life of aging nurse faculty.

The Longitudinal Elder Initiative: helping students learn to care for older adults.

{{medline-entry |title=The fusion of gerontology and technology in nursing education: History and demonstration of the Gerontological Informatics Reasoning Project--GRIP. |pubmed-url= |abstract=Phase I of our Gerontological Reasoning Informatics Project (GRIP) began in the summer of 2002 when all 37 senior undergraduate nursing students in our accelerated BSN nursing program were given PDAs. These students were oriented to use a digitalized geriatric nursing assessment tool embedded into their PDA in a variety of geriatric clinical agencies. This informatics project was developed to make geriatric nursing more technology oriented and focused on seven modules of geriatric assessment: intellect (I), nutrition (N), self-concept (S), physical activity (P), interpersonal functioning (I), restful sleep (R), and elimination (E)--INSPIRE. Through phase II and now phase III, the GRIP Project has become a major collaboration between the College of Nursing