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Argininosuccinate lyase (EC (ASAL) (Arginosuccinase)


Increased blood-brain barrier permeability to water in the aging brain detected using noninvasive multi-TE ASL MRI.

Quantitative Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Normal Aging: Comparison Between Phase-Contrast and Arterial Spin Labeling MRI.

Correcting Task fMRI Signals for Variability in Baseline CBF Improves BOLD-Behavior Relationships: A Feasibility Study in an Aging Model.

Cerebral Blood Flow in Community-Based Older Twins Is Moderately Heritable: An Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion Imaging Study.

A longitudinal characterization of perfusion in the aging brain and associations with cognition and neural structure.

Cortical cerebral blood flow in ageing: effects of haematocrit, sex, ethnicity and diabetes.

Exercise-stimulated arterial transit time in calf muscles measured by dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging.

Impact of Coffee, Wine, and Chocolate Consumption on Cognitive Outcome and MRI Parameters in Old Age.

Potential Role of OERP as Early Marker of Mild Cognitive Impairment.

Reduced Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Relates to Poorer Cognition in Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes.

The Age-Related Perfusion Pattern Measured With Arterial Spin Labeling MRI in Healthy Subjects.

Resilience and amygdala function in older healthy and depressed adults.

Does Aerobic Exercise Influence Intrinsic Brain Activity? An Aerobic Exercise Intervention among Healthy Old Adults.

Cerebral blood flow and vasoreactivity in aging: an arterial spin labeling study.

Cerebral blood flow measured by arterial spin labeling MRI at resting state in normal aging and Alzheimer's disease.

Cerebral blood flow MRI in the nondemented elderly is not predictive of post-operative delirium but is correlated with cognitive performance.

Improving drug retention in liposomes by aging with the aid of glucose.

The Utility of Cerebral Blood Flow as a Biomarker of Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease.

Long-term effect of orthokeratology on the anterior segment length.

Comparison of long-labeled pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (ASL) features between young and elderly adults: special reference to parameter selection.

Assessing intracranial vascular compliance using dynamic arterial spin labeling.

Lens Position and Age: The Central India Eye and Medical Study.

Age-related changes in brain hemodynamics; A calibrated MRI study.

Characterizing the white matter hyperintensity penumbra with cerebral blood flow measures.

Tissue specific arterial spin labeling fMRI: a superior method for imaging cerebral blood flow in aging and disease.

Metabolic and transcriptional response to a high-fat diet in Drosophila melanogaster.

Age dependence of hemodynamic response characteristics in human functional magnetic resonance imaging.

Regional changes in brain perfusion during brain maturation measured non-invasively with Arterial Spin Labeling MRI in neonates.

Regional cerebral blood flow and FDG uptake in asymptomatic HIV-1 men.

Correlation between gray matter density-adjusted brain perfusion and age using brain MR images of 202 healthy children.

[Managing the hospitalizations for older patients in University Hospital of Pisa].

Age-related peridural hyperemia in craniosynostotic rabbits.

Imaging cerebral blood flow in the cognitively normal aging brain with arterial spin labeling: implications for imaging of neurodegenerative disease.

Magnetic resonance imaging assessment of regional cerebral blood flow after asphyxial cardiac arrest in immature rats.

Anterior segment changes with age and during accommodation measured with partial coherence interferometry.

Cerebral blood flow and BOLD responses to a memory encoding task: a comparison between healthy young and elderly adults.

Effects of age on pulmonary perfusion heterogeneity measured by magnetic resonance imaging.

Age dependence of cerebral perfusion assessed by magnetic resonance continuous arterial spin labeling.

[Functional magnetic resonance imaging and dementia].

Expression of the genes of arginine-synthesizing enzymes in the rat kidney during development.

Glucocorticoids play an important role in mediating the enhanced metabolism of arginine and glutamine in enterocytes of postweaning pigs.

Differential expression of the two delta-crystallin genes in lens and non-lens tissues: shift favoring delta 2 expression from embryonic to adult chickens.