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Aryl hydrocarbon receptor precursor (Ah receptor) (AhR) (Class E basic helix-loop-helix protein 76) (bHLHe76) [BHLHE76]


Indoles from the commensal microbiota act via the AHR and IL-10 to tune the cellular composition of the colonic epithelium during aging.

Role of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in Environmentally Induced Skin Aging and Skin Carcinogenesis.

Loss of Neurogenesis in Aging Hydra.

Environmental cues received during development shape dendritic cell responses later in life.

Nursing Home Use After Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Implantation in Older Adults: Results from the National Cardiovascular Data Registry.

Genetic variants associated with skin aging in the Chinese Han population.

Smoking and Obesity Increase Airway Hyperesponsiveness Risk in the Elderly.

Impaired glucose and lipid metabolism in ageing aryl hydrocarbon receptor deficient mice.

Enhanced allergic airway disease in old mice is associated with a Th17 response.

Influenza A infection enhances antigen-induced airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness in young but not aged mice.

A novel kinase regulates dietary restriction-mediated longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Early postnatal, but not late, exposure to chemical ambient pollutant 1,2-naphthoquinone increases susceptibility to pulmonary allergic inflammation at adulthood.

Airway hyperresponsiveness is associated with airway remodeling but not inflammation in aging Cav1-/- mice.

Ventilation heterogeneity is associated with airway responsiveness in asthma but not COPD.

Relationship between airway pathophysiology and airway inflammation in older asthmatics.