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Beta-2 adrenergic receptor (Beta-2 adrenoreceptor) (Beta-2 adrenoceptor) [ADRB2R] [B2AR]


Interactions between social/ behavioral factors and ADRB2 genotypes may be associated with health at advanced ages in China.

ADRB2, brain white matter integrity and cognitive ageing in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936.

Common genetic variants of the β2-adrenergic receptor affect its translational efficiency and are associated with human longevity.

Beta2-adrenergic receptor gene polymorphisms as systemic determinants of healthy aging in an evolutionary context.

White matter integrity in the splenium of the corpus callosum is related to successful cognitive aging and partly mediates the protective effect of an ancestral polymorphism in ADRB2.

A Functional polymorphism under positive evolutionary selection in ADRB2 is associated with human intelligence with opposite effects in the young and the elderly.

Polymorphism of beta-adrenergic receptors and susceptibility to open-angle glaucoma.

Interactive effects of common beta2-adrenoceptor haplotypes and age on susceptibility to hypertension and receptor function.