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(Alpha-actinin skeletal muscle isoform 3) (F-actin cross-linking protein)


Altered miRNA and mRNA Expression in Sika Deer Skeletal Muscle with Age.

The Role of Genetic Profile in Functional Performance Adaptations to Exercise Training or Physical Activity: A Systematic Review of the Literature.

Is evolutionary loss our gain? The role of ACTN3 p.Arg577Ter (R577X) genotype in athletic performance, ageing, and disease.

ACTN3 genotype and physical function and frailty in an elderly Chinese population: the Rugao Longevity and Ageing Study.

Muscle-Related Polymorphisms (MSTN rs1805086 and ACTN3 rs1815739) Are Not Associated with Exceptional Longevity in Japanese Centenarians.

Genetic variation and exercise-induced muscle damage: implications for athletic performance, injury and ageing.

The ACTN3 R577X genotype is associated with muscle function in a Japanese population.

1000 Norms Project: protocol of a cross-sectional study cataloging human variation.

{{medline-entry |title=ACE I/D and ACTN3 R/X polymorphisms as potential factors in modulating exercise-related phenotypes in older women in response to a muscle power training stimuli. |pubmed-url= |abstract=Genetic variation of the human ACE I/D and ACTN3 R577X polymorphisms subsequent to 12 weeks of high-speed power training on maximal strength (1RM) of the arm and leg muscles, muscle power performance (counter-movement jump), and functional capacity (sit-to-stand test) was examined in older Caucasian women [n = 139; mean age 65.5 (8.2) years; 67.0 (10.0) kg and 1.57 (0.06) m]. Chelex 100 was used for DNA extraction, and genotype was determined by PCR-RFLP methods. Muscular strength, power, and functional testing were conducted at baseline (T1) and after 12 weeks (T2) of high-speed power training. At baseline, the ACE I/D and ACTN3 R/X polymorphisms were not associated with muscle function or muscularity phenotypes in older Caucasian women. After the 12-week high-speed training program, subjects significantly increased their muscular and functional capacity performance (p < 0.05). For both polymorphisms, significant genotype-training interaction (p < 0.05) was found in all muscular performance indices, except for 1RM leg extension in the ACE I/D (p = 0.187). Analyses of the combined effects between genotypes showed significant differences in all parameters (p < 0.05) in response to high-speed power training between the power (ACTN3 RR RX