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Версия от 18:32, 12 мая 2021; OdysseusBot (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Ectoderm-neural cortex protein 1 (ENC-1) (Kelch-like protein 37) (Nuclear matrix protein NRP/B) (p53-induced gene 10 protein) [KLHL37] [NRPB] [PIG10] ==Publicati...»)
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Ectoderm-neural cortex protein 1 (ENC-1) (Kelch-like protein 37) (Nuclear matrix protein NRP/B) (p53-induced gene 10 protein) [KLHL37] [NRPB] [PIG10]


Selective molecular biomarkers to predict biologic behavior in pituitary tumors.

Identification of genes associated with dissociation of cognitive performance and neuropathological burden: Multistep analysis of genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptional data.